


I need to merge two google docs into one. I know how to copy one doc, but I need to create a new document which contains the contents of two google docs.


    const auth = await authorize(credentials)
    const docs = google.docs({version: 'v1', auth})
    const drive = google.drive({version: 'v3', auth})

    const file1ToCopy = await docs.documents.get({documentId: FILE_1_ID})
    const file2ToCopy = await docs.documents.get({documentId: file_2_ID})
    const {body: body1ToCopy} = file1ToCopy.data
    const {body: body2ToCopy} = file2ToCopy.data

    await drive.files.create({
        resource: {
            name: `test ${moment().toString()}`,
            mimeType: 'application/vnd.google-apps.document',
        media: {
            body: {...body1ToCopy, ...body2ToCopy}, // This is not the correct way, body accepts only stream also the bodies received from documents.get are objects, so they probably can not be combined like this...


As you can see I am able to get the individual document's bodies but I am unable to insert them into one file.



文档无效,无法提供给文件:创建.您应该首先检索要添加到目标文档中的内容,然后使用Docs API插入这些内容.

Instances of Document are not valid arguments to provide to Files: create. You should first retrieve the contents you want to add to your destination Document, and then insert these contents using Docs API.


I'd suggest you to (1) make a copy of the first of the Docs (this copy will be the merged Doc), (2) retrieve the contents from the second Doc, and (3) insert the contents retrieved in previous step to the copied Doc.


You could do something along the following lines:


Make a copy of the first Document with Files: copy. The contents from the second Document will be appended to this copy.

要从第二个文档中提取正文内容,必须考虑 Google文档的结构:文档.get 检索文档的实例,它包含要添加到新文档中的内容,但不是内容本身.

In order to extract the body content from the second Doc, you have to take into account the structure of a Google Document: documents.get retrieves an instance of Document, which contains the contents you want to append to your new document, but is not the contents themselves.

文档资源中的正文内容基本上是由内的 StructuralElements 的列表组成内容,例如:

The body content in a Document resource is basically made of a list of StructuralElements inside content, like this:

  "documentId": string,
  "title": string,
  "body": {
    "content": [
        object (StructuralElement)
  // Other document props

您将必须遍历 content 中的每个 StructuralElement ,并存储在下一步中附加内容所需的所有信息(至少应包括类型结构元素的名称(因为取决于此,必须使用一种或另一种方法)以及文本内容).我建议您将这些信息存储到一个对象数组中,以备后用.

You would have to iterate through each StructuralElement in content and store all the information needed to append the content in next step (these would include, at least, the type of structural element —since depending on this, one method or another would have to be used— and the text content). I'd suggest you to store this information to an array of objects, to be used later.


As an example, a pretty decent explanation of how to extract the text from a Document can be found here (even though the example only contains samples in Java and Python, it shouldn't be specially hard to "translate" this to Node): Extract the text from a document. You could keep information on other properties, like the element type (not just the text), but the basic idea is very similar.

成功从第二个文档中检索结构元素后,您将必须使用Docs API通过 documents.batchUpdate .

Once you have successfully retrieved the structural elements from the second document, you would have to use Docs API to append these elements to the merged document using documents.batchUpdate.

根据每次必须附加的结构元素类型,可能需要不同的请求.例如,如果结构元素是仅包含文本的段落,则可以使用插入文本请求以附加文本.或者,如果您想追加表格,则必须使用 InsertTableRequest .因此,脚本必须先检查每种结构元素类型,然后再将其添加到文档中.

Depending on which type of structural element you have to append every time, a different request might be needed. For example, if the structural element is a paragraph that only contains text, you can use InsertTextRequest to append the text. Or if you want to append a table, you would have to use InsertTableRequest. Because of this, the script would have to check each structural element type before appending it to the Document.


09-04 20:43