本文介绍了如何从Firebase DB Android中的多对多关系中获取完整数据?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a class which is part of a school and this class has teachers and students, all of them has name and maybe has phone number , I want to get the full data for the classesbut firstly, could you advice me, what is the best for performance and maintaining from the following Dbs :


       }, {



  "classes": {
    "class1": {
      "name": "C1"
    "class2": {
      "name": "C2"
  "students": {
    "student1": {
      "name": "S1",
    "student2": {
      "name": "S2",
    "student3": {
      "name": "S3",
    "student4": {
      "name": "S4",
  "teachers": {
    "student1": {
      "name": "T1",
    "student2": {
      "name": "T2",
    "student3": {
      "name": "T3",
    "student4": {
      "name": "T4",
  "classes_enrollments": {
    "class1": {
      "teacher1": true,
      "teacher3": true,
      "student1": true,
      "student2": true
    "class2": {
      "teacher2": true,
      "teacher4": true,
      "student3": true,
      "student4": true
    "class3": {
      "teacher1": true,
      "teacher2": true,
      "student3": true,
      "student4": true,
      "student1": true,
      "student2": true
  "student_friends": {
    "student1": {
      "student2": true
    "students2": {
      "student1": true,
      "student3": true
    "students3": {
      "student2": true
  "teacher_friends": {
    "teacher1": {
      "teacher2": true
    "teacher2": {
      "teacher1": true,
      "teacher3": true
    "teacher3": {
      "teacher2": true


and for the 2nd way how to get the full data for the class1: in which school and it's name and count of teachers and students and their names and phones





For code simplicity and reading performance of individual class details, the 2nd scheme would indeed be messy. The 1st scheme would be better, but with some improvements.


Keep the teachers and students paths at root, just like in the 2nd scheme.


Add teacher_enrollments and student_enrollments path at root, to save the ids of the classes that each teacher/student is associated with.


Don't save class teachers and students as arrays inside classes, but use maps instead, similar to what you're saving in the root teachers and students path.


That way, when you edit a teacher from the root path, you can also get a list of all their associated classes (the ids) from the enrollments path, and do a multi-path update for these classes, to update the teacher/student details in each associated class.


If you have lots of data, you might want to maintain a separate path for class summaries, so that you can easily show a list of classes, without having to download the data for all included teachers and students (which would be present multiple times in all these classes).

删除班级时,您还希望进行多路径更新以删除所有关联的注册. (实际上要简单得多.班级信息中已经有老师/学生的ID)

When you delete a class, you would also want to do a multi-path update to delete all associated enrollments. (it's actually a lot simpler. You already have the teacher/student IDs in the class info)

// How to delete a class in JavaScript.
// For Java, use updateChildren() instead of update(),
// and supply it with a HashMap instead of a plain object.
const classToDelete = { id: 'class1', teachers: ..., students: ..., school: ... };
const updateObject = {
  ['classes/'+classToDelete.id]: null },
  ['schools/'+classToDelete.school.id+'/classes/'+classToDelete.id]: null },
Object.keys(classToDelete.teachers).forEach(teacherId => {
  updateObject['teachers/'+teacherId +'/classes/'+classToDelete.id] = null;
Object.keys(classToDelete.students).forEach(studentId=> {
  updateObject['students/'+studentId+'/classes/'+classToDelete.id] = null;


Example database structure (slightly different than instructed, but using the same concepts):

"schools": {
    "school1": {
        "id": "school1",
        "name": "The best school",
        "classes": {
            "class1": {
                "id": "class1",
                "name": "The best class"
"classes": {
    "class1": {
        "id": "class1",
        "name": "The best class",
        "teachers": {
            "teacher1": {
                "id": "teacher1",
                "name": "The best teacher",
                "phone": "123"
        "students": {
            "student1": {
                "id": "student1",
                "name": "The best student",
                "phone": "456"
        "school": {
            "id": "school1",
            "name": "The best school"
"teachers": {
    "teacher1": {
        "id": "teacher1",
        "name": "The best teacher",
        "phone": "123",
        "classes": {
            "class1": {
                "name": "The best class",
                "school": {
                    "id": "school1",
                    "name": "The best school"
"students": {
    "student1": {
        "id": "student1",
        "name": "The best student",
        "phone": "456",
        "classes": {
            "class1": {
                "name": "The best class",
                "school": {
                    "id": "school1",
                    "name": "The best school"


这篇关于如何从Firebase DB Android中的多对多关系中获取完整数据?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 12:22