本文介绍了将图像列导出到 sql server 中的 pdf 文件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试从 SQL Server 导出具有图像"数据类型的列.我使用了下面显示的代码.代码运行成功,但我没有看到输出文件.请让我知道这里可能存在什么问题.

I am trying to export a column with 'image' datatype from SQL server. I used the code shown below. The code runs successfully but i don't see the output file. Please let me know what the issue can be here.

 declare @file varbinary(max)
 set @file = (select convert(varbinary(max),fileContent) from table where      submit_id = 123)
 declare @filePath varchar(1024)
 set @filePath = 'C:\Users\myusername\test.pdf'
 EXEC sp_OACreate 'ADODB.Stream', @x OUTPUT
 EXEC sp_OASetProperty @x, 'Type', 1
 EXEC sp_OAMethod @x, 'Open'
 EXEC sp_OAMethod @x, 'Write', NULL, @file
 EXEC sp_OAMethod @x, 'SaveToFile', NULL, @filePath, 2
 EXEC sp_OAMethod @x, 'Close'
 EXEC sp_OADestroy @x




I am answering this question as i found out a way to do it faster.

从命令行使用 bcp(批量复制程序)实用程序可以保留本机文件格式并且速度非常快.输出文件也可以写入本地目录.此外,如果需要,可以自定义文件格式.

Using the bcp (bulk copy program) utility from the command line preserves the native file format and is very fast. The output files can be written to a local directory as well. Also, the file formats can be customized if needed.


Adding a more detailed version of the answer with the code i used.

1) 设置执行xp_cmdshell所需的权限.

1) Set the required permissions to execute xp_cmdshell.

EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1

2) 使用bcp

bcp schemaname.tablename format nul -T -n -f format_file_tablename.fmt

如果您不使用集成安全连接到数据库,请将 -T 替换为 -S servername -d databasename -U username -P password.

Replace -T with -S servername -d databasename -U username -P password if you don't connect to the database using integrated security.

3) 成功导出格式文件后,对其进行编辑以删除除imagevarbinary 列之外的所有其他列.

3) After a successful export of the format file, edit it to remove all the other columns except the image or varbinary column.


The format file looked like this initially.

1       SQLNCHAR            2       200     ""   1     Name                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
2       SQLNCHAR            2       1000    ""   2     Description                          SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
3       SQLUNIQUEID         1       16      ""   3     GUID                                 ""
4       SQLBIT              1       1       ""   4     Enabled                              ""
5       SQLNCHAR            2       600     ""   5     ClassType                            SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
6       SQLINT              0       4       ""   6     PartitionID                          ""
7       SQLBIT              1       1       ""   7     Protected                            ""
8       SQLDATETIME         1       8       ""   8     LastModifiedTime                     ""
9       SQLINT              0       4       ""   9     LastModifiedByID                     ""
10      SQLINT              0       4       ""   10    ImageType                            ""
11      SQLBIT              1       1       ""   11    Template                             ""
12      SQLINT              0       4       ""   12    ObjectID                             ""
13      SQLBINARY           8       0       ""   13    Image     --column of interest                           ""
14      SQLINT              0       4       ""   14    ParentId                             ""
15      SQLNCHAR            2       600     ""   15    ParentClassType                      SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
16      SQLBIT              1       1       ""   16    IsPrimary                            ""
17      SQLDATETIME         1       8       ""   17    ImageCaptureDate                     ""


1      SQLBINARY           0       0       ""   1    Image                                ""

4) 然后我不得不遍历表中的行以将每行中的图像列提取为一个文件.为此,我使用了 临时表.

4) Then i had to loop through the rows in the table to extract image column in each row as a file. I used a temp table for this purpose.

IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.tmp_for_picture', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE tmp_for_picture
 row_number() over(order by parentid) as rownum
,i.image as image_column
,replace(p.name,',','') as picture_file_name
into tmp_for_picture
from Images i
join personnel p on p.ObjectID = i.ParentId
declare @cnt int
declare @i int
declare @filename varchar(512)
declare @extension varchar(20)
declare @sql varchar(4000)
set @cnt = (select count(*) from Images i join personnel p on p.ObjectID = i.ParentId)
set @i = 1
set @extension = '.jpeg' --or extract the extension from a column in the table if available

while @i <= @cnt
--print @i
set @filename = (select picture_file_name from tmp_for_picture where rownum = @i)
set @sql = 'bcp "select image_column from tmp_for_picture where rownum = '+str(@i)+'" queryout "F:\pictures\'+@filename+@extension+'" -f formatfile.fmt -S servername -d databasename -T'
--print @sql
exec xp_cmdshell @sql
set @i = @i+1

上述步骤可用于从数据库中提取任何类型的图像/varbinary 文件(存储为 pdf、docx 等).

The steps described above, can be used to extract any type of image/varbinary files (stored as pdf,docx etc.) from the database.

这篇关于将图像列导出到 sql server 中的 pdf 文件?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 12:19