

我正在用C ++编写一个用于链表的程序.为了实现这一概念,我在全局创建了一个指针"start",指向列表的第一个元素.

I was making a program for linked list in C++. To implement the concept, I created a pointer 'start' globally, pointing to the first element of the list.


After completion of the program I tried to delete all memory allocated dynamically to prevent memory leaks, by accessing successive nodes using the start and another locally declared pointer 'p'.Here, I used a pointer pointing to the same correct addresses, but this pointer was not the one used for memory allocation, but was declared locally like any normal pointer.


My question is - Is it possible to delete the dynamically allocated memory by using the normal pointers pointing to the same location?



int* p = new int;
int* q = p;
delete q;

使用新[] 时的等效项:

int* p = new int[123];
int* q = p;
delete[] q;

用指针类型替换 int * .之后是否将指针设置为 nullptr 仍在讨论之中.

Substitute int* with your pointer type. Whether to set the pointers to nullptr afterwards is up for debate.


09-05 09:04