

  1. 我有一个分支development和一个文件Config.json.
  2. 我正在创建一个新的分支new_development,在其中将Config.json重命名为config.json并提交.
  3. 我切换回development来查看该分支中的某些内容.没有错误.
  4. 我切换到new_development以继续处理新内容.它显示了一个错误:
  1. I have a branch development with a file Config.json.
  2. I am creating a new branch new_development, where I rename Config.json to config.json and commit.
  3. I switch back to development to see how some things were made in that branch. No errors.
  4. I switch to new_development to continue work on new stuff. It shows an error:


Please move or remove them before you switch branches.



The file is actually in git.


    ignorecase = false


How do I make branches switching work when the same files have different case?



您使用的是不区分大小写的文件系统; git使用core.ignoreCase设置来表明这一点.它是在创建存储库时配置的(通过git initgit clone):git查看文件系统以确定是否区分大小写,并缓存该信息(在core.ignoreCase设置中),以便不必为每个操作都执行此查找.

You are on a case insensitive filesystem; git uses the core.ignoreCase setting to indicate that. It is configured when you create a repository (either via git init or by git clone): git looks at your filesystem to determine whether it's case sensitive or not, and caches that information (in the core.ignoreCase setting) so that it doesn't have to do this lookup for every operation.


This is not a setting that is meant for you to change.

对于不敏感文件系统,使用core.ignoreCase = false:

% git ls-tree HEAD
100644 blob 257cc5642cb1a054f08cc83f2d943e56fd3ebe99    foo
% git ls-tree branch
100644 blob bcc9cdfd113753edf279e92afd622b0f3bb05fbc    FOO
% git checkout branch
error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please move or remove them before you switch branches.

这是因为我告诉git我的文件系统 区分大小写.它查看了我要检出的树,发现当前的HEAD树中有一个名为FOO的文件,该文件为 not ,然后在磁盘上查看是否有具有相同名称的未跟踪工作文件.它stats文件FOO(实际上是文件foo,因为我们使用的是不区分大小写的文件系统),并意识到您在工作目录中有未跟踪的文件.

This is because I've told git that my filesystem is case sensitive. It looks at the tree that I'm trying to check out, sees that there's a file called FOO that is not in my current HEAD tree, and then looks on disk to see if there's an untracked working file with the same name. It stats the file FOO (which is really the file foo, since we're on a case insensitive filesystem) and realizes that you have an untracked file in the working directory.


Except, of course, you don't. You have the file foo.


If I correct this, setting core.ignoreCase to reflect the reality of my filesystem, then I can switch branches properly:

% git config core.ignoreCase true
% git checkout branch
Switched to branch 'branch'
% git ls-tree HEAD
100644 blob bcc9cdfd113753edf279e92afd622b0f3bb05fbc    FOO


08-20 13:25