本文介绍了.NET服务总线队列之间进行选择VS Azure的队列服务的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Just a quick question regarding an Azure application. If I have a number of Web and Worker roles that need to communicate, documentation says to use the Azure Queue Service.

不过,我刚刚读到新的.NET服务总线,现在还提供了队列。这些看起来更强大,因为他们似乎提供更详细的API。虽然看起来.NSB更有趣的是有几个,让我警惕的分布式应用程序使用它的问题。 (例如,队列到期......如果我不能保证队列将按时更新我可能会失去这一切!)。

However, I've just read that the new .NET Service Bus now also offers queues. These look to be more powerful as they appear to offer a much more detailed API. Whilst the .NSB looks more interesting it has a couple of issues that make me wary of using it in distributed application. (for example, Queue Expiration... if I cannot guarantee that a queue will be renewed on time I may lose it all!).


Has anyone had any experience using either of these two technologies and could give any advice on when to choose one over the other.

我怀疑,虽然服务总线看起来更强大,因为我的用例实际上只是使网站/辅助角色相互之间进行通信,即在Azure队列服务是我后。但我真的很想找的那个确认预设电台自己在一个角落之前: - )

I suspect that whilst the service bus looks more powerful, as my use case is really just enabling Web/Worker roles to communicate between each other, that the Azure Queue Service is what I'm after. But I'm just really looking for confirmation of that before progamming myself in to a corner :-)


有关这两个系统在突破读到了。它杰福看起来像.NET服务总线更具体为集成系统,而不是提供一个通用的可靠的消息传递系统而设计的。 Azure的队列分布,所以是可靠和可扩展的方式,.NSB队列不为,因此更适合在Azure中托管自己code。

Have read up about the two systems over the break. It defo looks like .NET service bus is more specifically designed for integrating systems rather than providing a general purpose reliable messaging system. Azure Queues are distributed and so reliable and scalable in a way that .NSB queues are not and so more suitable for code hosted within Azure itself.




I would recommend that you stick with Azure Queues for communicating between web and worker roles. Using queues is the official and sanctioned way of communicating between Azure processes and I sincerely doubt that you will program yourself into a corner. Service Bus (AppFabric) has a higher overhead and although really good for talking to external apps, may not be optimal for quick and simple messages within your Azure app.

这篇关于.NET服务总线队列之间进行选择VS Azure的队列服务的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 08:08