本文介绍了Gulp Sass不编译局部的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


所以我将Gulp Sassgulp-changed结合使用(我也尝试过gulp-newer,具有更新的语法更改),并查看文件夹中的所有scss文件.

So I am using Gulp Sass with gulp-changed (i've also tried gulp-newer with the updated syntax changes) and watching all the scss files in my folders.


When I change a base scss file it will compile without any problems.


However if I change a partial it won't compile the sass file that has a dependency on that partial.


var SRC = './stylesheets/**/*.scss';
var DEST = './stylesheets';
gulp.task('sass', function() {
  return gulp.src(SRC)
    .pipe(changed(DEST, { extension: '.css' }))
        errorHandler: handleErrors
            includePaths: [
                'C:/var/www/mobile 2/stylesheets'
    .on('error', handleErrors)


├── scss
│    └── base.scss
│          ├── _partial1.scss
│          └── _partial2.scss
│          └── anotherBase.scss
│                 ├── _anotherBasePartial1.scss
│                 └── _anotherBasePartial2.scss

base.scss || anotherBase.scss进行更改,对partial1.scss进行更改.

Making changes to base.scss || anotherBase.scss changes made, making changes to partial1.scss nothing.


[15:14:02] Starting 'sass'... //here i changed _partial1.scss
[15:14:03] Finished 'sass' after 248 ms
[15:18:20] Starting 'sass'...
[15:18:20] Finished 'sass' after 289 ms
[BS] File changed: c:\var\www\mobile 2\stylesheets\sitescss\responsive\tools\base.css
[15:18:24] Starting 'sass'...
[15:18:24] Finished 'sass' after 289 ms
[BS] File changed: c:\var\www\mobile 2\stylesheets\sitescss\responsive\tools\anotherBase.css


I would like it to compile the scss whenever a partial is changed.


演出有点晚了,但是如果我理解你的话;您想在更改任何scss文件时运行构建,无论该文件是否为局部文件,对不对? (但不将部分文件包括在构建本身中,因为这是由sass @import处理的.)

A bit late for the show, but if I understand you right; you want to run your build when you change ANY scss file, whether that being a partial or not, right? (but not including the partials in the build itself – as that is handled by sass @import).


var scss_source = [ 'path/to/scss' ],
    partials_source = [ 'path/to/partials' ];

gulp.task('scss', function () {
    gulp.src( scss_source )

var scss_watcher = gulp.watch([ scss_source, partials_source ], [ 'scss' ]);


I pass only the scss_source to the build, but BOTH sources to the watcher. That way I can seperate all partials from the rest of the scss sources, but have changes to any of the files trigger a build. And I don't have to include yet another module for handling this.


I usually keep my partials in separate directories (think shared, and not mixed with other scss files).


Hope this makes sense in your case – otherwise I do apologize.

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09-06 05:02