


Can anyone help me on the below questions?

在使用MTM创建动作录制时,我错过了通过打开VS 2010中的记录并更新方法详细信息以从MTM获取参数,将参数绑定到3个字段中的一个,以便我绑定参数值。

While creating action recording using MTM, I missed out to bind the parameters to one of the filed out of 3 so I binded parameter values by opening the recording from VS 2010 and updating the method details to fetch the parameters from MTM.

现在,当我运行脚本(在更新详细信息后从VS 2010开始),流程完全没有进入参数方法流程中跳过这些方法并尝试继续使用下一个方法。

Now, when I run the script (from VS 2010 after updating the details), the flow is not at all entering into the parameter methods flow skips those methods and tries to continue with next method.


Can anyone let me know the resolution for this?

1。我是否按照正确的方法绑定参数 为缺少的字段值?如果没有,请告诉我正确的做法。

1. Am I following the correct approach to bind the parameters for the missing field values? if not, let me know the right approach.

2。可以切换数据源吗?比如说我从MTM提供了数据,并且为了下一次运行,我想将数据源更改为csv / xml / datbase。是否通过更改测试属性的数据源路径或更多

2. Can it be possible to swtich the Datasource? Say for example intially I supplied data from MTM and for the next run I want to change the data source to csv/xml/datbase. Does it work by changing the data source path at test properties or any more additional changes are required?


Basava Kumar M

Basava Kumar M





It is possible to switch the Data Source. You just need to change the Data Source attribute appropriately. Ensure that the column names match in the original and new data sources.



09-06 02:16