


 < ComboBox IsEditable =False
SelectedIndex ={Binding Source = {x:静态属性:CollectionControl.Settings},Path = SamplingPeriodIndex,Mode = TwoWay}
SelectionChanged =onPeriodControlSelectionChanged
Name =PeriodControl
ItemsSource ={StaticResource test} >
< ComboBox.ItemTemplate>
< DataTemplate>
< TextBlock Text ={Binding SamplingPeriod}Visibility ={Binding Converter = {StaticResource TrackVis},ConverterParameter = GroupIndex}/>
< / DataTemplate>
< /ComboBox.ItemTemplate>
< / ComboBox>




public object Convert(object value,Type targetType,object parameter,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
var tempObj =(SamplingPeriods)value;
if(tempObj.GroupIndex> = CollectionControl.Settings.SamplingFrequencyIndex)
return Visibility.Visible;

return Visibility.Collapsed;

public object ConvertBack(object value,Type targetType,object parameter,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotImplementedException( );


  public class PeriodsCollection:ObservableCollection< SamplingPeriods> 
public PeriodsCollection()
Add(new SamplingPeriods(1/16 of a second,13));
Add(new SamplingPeriods(1/8 of a second,12));
Add(new SamplingPeriods(1/4 of a second,11));
Add(new SamplingPeriods(1/2 of a second,10));
Add(new SamplingPeriods(1 second,9));
Add(new SamplingPeriods(2 seconds,8));
Add(new SamplingPeriods(4 seconds,7));
Add(new SamplingPeriods(8 seconds,6));
Add(new SamplingPeriods(16 seconds,5));
Add(new SamplingPeriods(32 seconds,4));
Add(new SamplingPeriods(64 seconds,3));
Add(new SamplingPeriods(128 seconds,2));
Add(new SamplingPeriods(256 seconds,1));
Add(new SamplingPeriods(512 seconds,0));

public class SamplingPeriods
public SamplingPeriods(string samplingPeriod,int groupIndex)
SamplingPeriod =取样周期
GroupIndex = groupIndex;

public string SamplingPeriod {get;私人集合}
public int GroupIndex {get;私人集合}

想法是选定的采样频率限制了可用的采样周期。采样频率指数范围从0到11.例如,如果采样指数为9,则唯一有效的采样周期将具有GroupIndex> =


绑定到 CollectionControl.Settings Path = SamplingFrequencyIndex

I have a ComboBox that uses a ObservableCollection as the source. I have the source bound as follows

<ComboBox IsEditable="False"
          SelectedIndex="{Binding Source={x:Static Properties:CollectionControl.Settings}, Path=SamplingPeriodIndex, Mode=TwoWay}"
          ItemsSource="{StaticResource test}">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding SamplingPeriod}" Visibility="{Binding Converter={StaticResource TrackVis}, ConverterParameter=GroupIndex}"/>

TrackVis is a converter that determines if the element is visible or collapsed depending on an external property which has INotifyPropertyChanged implemented.

Everything works as expected the first time the ComboBox is displayed, but the ComboBox is never refreshed to reflect changes. I must be missing something, but as of now everything I have tried fails.

Here is the code for the converter

public class IsVisibleConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter,
        System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        var tempObj = (SamplingPeriods) value;
        if (tempObj.GroupIndex >= CollectionControl.Settings.SamplingFrequencyIndex)
            return Visibility.Visible;

        return Visibility.Collapsed;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter,
        System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

Also, here is the collection

public class PeriodsCollection : ObservableCollection<SamplingPeriods>
    public PeriodsCollection()
        Add(new SamplingPeriods("1/16 of a second", 13));
        Add(new SamplingPeriods("1/8 of a second", 12));
        Add(new SamplingPeriods("1/4 of a second", 11));
        Add(new SamplingPeriods("1/2 of a second", 10));
        Add(new SamplingPeriods("1 second", 9));
        Add(new SamplingPeriods("2 seconds", 8));
        Add(new SamplingPeriods("4 seconds", 7));
        Add(new SamplingPeriods("8 seconds", 6));
        Add(new SamplingPeriods("16 seconds", 5));
        Add(new SamplingPeriods("32 seconds", 4));
        Add(new SamplingPeriods("64 seconds", 3));
        Add(new SamplingPeriods("128 seconds", 2));
        Add(new SamplingPeriods("256 seconds", 1));
        Add(new SamplingPeriods("512 seconds", 0));

public class SamplingPeriods
    public SamplingPeriods(string samplingPeriod, int groupIndex)
        SamplingPeriod = samplingPeriod;
        GroupIndex = groupIndex;

    public string SamplingPeriod { get; private set; }
    public int GroupIndex { get; private set; }

The idea is that the selected sampling frequency limits the sampling periods that are available. The sampling frequency index ranges from 0 to 11. For example, if the sampling index is 9 the only valid sampling periods would have a GroupIndex >=9. The other sampling periods would be collapsed.


You are trying to track samplingfrequency index. then you must bind to an object that have such property and implements INotifyPropertyChanged.Or, as I have already said, propagate this event to the object that is your binding source, and raise correct propertychanged on it. Otherwise, binding engine would know nothing of the changes of that property.Bind to the CollectionControl.Settings with a Path = SamplingFrequencyIndex


08-20 21:21