


I've made a basic shiny app using ScatterD3 here, but when I try to embed it in an ioslides presentation it gets cut off and a scrollbar appears. The slide could easily accommodate the entire app (I've measured the size), but ioslides or shiny is choosing to section it. I need the plot to appear this size because in my real project I have a very long list in the legend that requires height around 720px.Here's the code:

编辑 使用Joris的建议并删除不必要的wellPanel,我将高度重置为550,在幻灯片范围内,该高度足够小.我仍在使用此滚动条,感觉必须要有一种方法来调整渲染内容的高度.本质上,我想使用整个幻灯片并用此应用程序填充它.

```{r, echo=FALSE}

ui <- fluidPage(
           scatterD3Output("distPlot", height = "550px")

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$distPlot <- renderScatterD3({
    mtcars$names <- rownames(mtcars)
    scatterD3(data = mtcars, x = wt, y = mpg, lab = names,
              col_var = cyl, symbol_var = am,
              xlab = "Weight", ylab = "Mpg", col_lab = "Cylinders",
              symbol_lab = "Manual transmission")
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

我尝试将options = list(height = 1080)添加到ShinyApp调用中.我还查看了这篇文章,并设置<div style="margin-left:-65px; margin-top:-70px; width:112%; height:130%;">可以启用我想要的许多功能,但是它仍然拒绝调整height参数,这对我来说是最重要的.我尝试添加自定义CSS以使溢出可见,但这些解决方案似乎都不起作用.

I've tried adding options = list(height = 1080) to the shinyApp call. I also looked at this post, and setting a <div style="margin-left:-65px; margin-top:-70px; width:112%; height:130%;"> enables much of the functionality I want, but it still refuses to adjust the height parameter, which is the most important to me. I tried adding custom CSS to get the overflow to be visible, but none of these solutions seem to work.



You should set up your page correctly so the controls actually come next to the plot, and use the width and height arguments of the function scatterD3Output.


Keep in mind though that the slide might look large enough, but you still need to reserve some space for the title. So with 720px height, the plot doesn't fit on the slide actually.

编辑:Ioslides还允许您使用自定义的CSS文件. iframe是在其中构建幻灯片内容的实际框架.操纵它可以给您更多的空间.紧接着,您可以播放幻灯片本身的大小以及水平和垂直位置.

Edit: Ioslides also allows you to work with a custom css file. The iframe is the actual frame within which the slide content is constructed. Manipulating that one gives you a bit more space. Next to that, you can play around with the size of the slides itself and the horizontal and vertical position.


Place the following in a file called eg temp.css in the same directory as your Rmd file:

slides > slide {
  width: 1000px;
  height: 800px;
  padding: 10px 20px;
  left: 46%;
  top: 45%;

iframe {
  height: 900px;

并在您的.Rmd文件中添加css: temp.css,如下所示:

And add css: temp.css to your .Rmd file as shown below:

runtime: shiny
    css: temp.css


```{r, echo=FALSE}

ui <- fluidPage(
             selectInput("Living", "Choose Life",
                         choices = c("Life", "Death"))
           scatterD3Output("distPlot", height = "550px"))

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$distPlot <- renderScatterD3({
    mtcars$names <- rownames(mtcars)
    scatterD3(data = mtcars, x = wt, y = mpg, lab = names,
              col_var = cyl, symbol_var = am,
              xlab = "Weight", ylab = "Mpg", col_lab = "Cylinders",
              symbol_lab = "Manual transmission")
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)



You can play around with these in order to get a better fitting.


On a sidenote: in many cases there's absolutely no need to create an entire app. In case you would just use a simple plot to be updated, you can put the UI and the server side each in its own R chunk, and use outputArgs to manipulate all the output functions. This doesn't work with the scatterD3 package, but it's a good thing to know anyway.

runtime: shiny
output: ioslides_presentation

## John

```{r, echo=FALSE}

```{r, echo = FALSE}
             selectInput("Living", "Choose Life",
                         choices = c("Life", "Death"))

```{r echo = FALSE, width = "80%", height = "400px"}
    mtcars$names <- rownames(mtcars)
    plot(mpg~wt, data = mtcars)
  }, outputArgs = list(width = "80%",height="400px"))



07-22 23:08