本文介绍了导入后删除重复项的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 这里的新成员,到目前为止我所搜索的内容给人留下了深刻印象... 因此,每天将数据导入到名为月份的表格中(即 - 10_2011)。但是,这些数据将包含我需要删除的重复项。我将数据分解为每日导入到月度表中,因为每天数据超过500-700行,希望保持可管理大小的表。我没有结婚使用这个逻辑,所以如果有人有更好的想法,请分享! 我使用了我在这里找到的代码片段,但我似乎无法理解使它工作......如果有人能帮助我,那将是伟大的。我不是一名经过董事会认证的程序员,但我确实知道要打破这些东西!New member here, impressed with what I have searched so far...So every day data will be imported into a table named the month (ie - 10_2011)... however, this data WILL contain duplicates which I need to get rid of. I am breaking the data up into daily imports into monthly tables because each day the data are over 500-700 rows, wanted to keep tables of manageable size. I''m not married to using this logic, so if someone has a better idea, please share!I have used snippets of code I found here but I can''t seem to make it work... Please if someone could help me, that would be great. I''m not a board certified programmer but I do know enough to break stuff! 展开 | 选择 | Wrap | 行号推荐答案关于您的数据结构,我可能不会这样做许多表格包含完全相同的数据类型。根据每条记录保存的信息量,Access可以在一张表中轻松处理数万条记录,甚至更多。从你的问题来看,这是一个题外话。 我想首先询问 Temp 列是什么,以及你想要完成什么通过循环记录集直到 rs!Temp 为假(第38到45行)? 我在代码中至少看到一个问题,但是如果你能先回答这个问题,那么我们可以继续...... PatIn regard to your data structure, I probably would not keep so many tables around that hold the exactly the same kind of data. Depending on how much information each record holds, Access can comfortably handle tens of thousands of records in a single table, or more. This is a digression from the point of your question though.I want to start by asking what the Temp column holds, and what you are looking to accomplish by looping through the recordset until rs!Temp is false (lines 38 through 45)?I see at least one issue further on in the code, but if you can answer this first then we can move on...Pat这是我借用的代码片段。来自其他人...如果有一个更好的循环数据的程序我很乐意看到它! 我是一个非常初学者,所以我完全可以撕掉它部分代码。那么你可以看到程序运行导入然后应该检查/删除重复。That was a code snippet that I "borrowed" from someone else... If there is a better procedure for looping through the data I would love to see it!I am very much a beginner, so I could totally rip out that part of the code. Well you can see that the procedure runs the import then is supposed to check/delete the dups.一般来说,如果没有一些来自其他来源的代码的复制和粘贴是不成功的修改程度以使代码适合您的特定情况。 所以我回到我之前的问题:Temp列的目的是什么,为什么要循环遍历记录集对于rs!Temp = False? 我在问,因为我不清楚特定的代码部分是如何与检查表中的重复项相关的。因此,您需要能够解释它的相关性。Generally, a copy and paste of code from some other source isn''t successful without some degree of modification to fit the code to your particular situation.So I go back to my previous questions: what is the purpose of the Temp column and why are you looping through the recordset looking for rs!Temp = False?I''m asking because it''s not clear to me how that particular section of code is related to checking for duplicates in your table. Thus, you need to be able to explain how it is relevant. 这篇关于导入后删除重复项的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
09-03 19:59