

我打算一起捆绑一些最起码的功能整合到一个应用程序或窗口小部件的Andr​​oid设备。不过转念一想,我意识到,我从来没有听说过/读别人之前,建设有科尔多瓦/ PhoneGap的一个小部件。我用Google搜索了一下,答案似乎在暗示一个'不'。我读了PhoneGap的主页上的描述,它说,它允许用户构建应用程序基本上是这样。

I am planning to bundle together some minimal functionality into an app or a widget for android devices. However on second thought I realized that I have never heard/read someone building a widget with Cordova/Phonegap before. I googled a bit and the answers seem to be suggesting a 'no'. I read the description on the home page for Phonegap and it says that it allows users to build apps basically.


So, could someone please point me in the right direction as to wether its possible to create an android widget in Cordova. And if no, how is an widget conceptually/practically different from an app.


PS: just maybe i am using some incorrect terminology here. What I mean by a widget is this. Its something that sticks on the home screen mostly in a translucent bar.



Widgets are android native constructs that extend a view on the application screen.


一个科尔多瓦/ PhoneGap的应用程序是一个web视图的支持的应用程序。注:的WebView不是Android原生视图

A cordova/phonegap app is an app with a webview backing. Note: webview not android native view.


Until someone finds a way to construct a native widget that embeds a webview, then what you have been told so far is correct... i.e. "no".



It "is" conceivable you could have a widget associated with your cordova project, but then you would be writing android native code alongside cordova.... most people would see this as defeating the point of using cordova, unless you are ONLY targeting android. In which case I have to ask the question:


"Are you using cordova as an easier way to start app coding on android or are you trying to leverage the convenience of cordova to share a code base across multiple platforms?"


If it's the former, then just write a native app.If it's the latter, then cordova isn't going to (easily) give you widgets, nor cross platform widgets


09-03 00:01