- Ad****@hotmail.com 解决方案 当然。因为你已经有了你的应用程序。用VB.NET编写,然后你就已经有了一个带有.NET类的.NET程序集。所有你需要做的就是 让你的ASP.NET项目引用你现有的.NET程序集 (下面有更多内容)然后你的网页可以制作你的 VB.NET类的实例。 但你不能引用.exe程序集。但是,您可以将$。b $ b简单地重命名为.dll,然后您就可以访问其中的 类。 " ACaunter" <广告**** @ hotmail.com>在消息中写道 news:7E ********************************** @ microsof t.com ... 如果有办法将vb.net 应用程序转换为asp.net,有人可以告诉我。或者如果用3层写的vb.net应用程序可以在网上运行??? 谢谢! - Ad****@hotmail.com 直接转换为ASP.NET可能不是那么容易。 通过 web部署VB.NET应用程序作为智能客户端可能更容易。 这里有更多信息: http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframewo...artclient.aspx - 我希望这会有所帮助, Steve C. Orr,MCSD,MVP http://Steve.Orr.net " ACaunter" <广告**** @ hotmail.com>在消息中写道 news:7E ********************************** @ microsof t.com ... 如果有办法将vb.net 应用程序转换为asp.net,有人可以告诉我。或者如果用3层写的vb.net应用程序可以在网上运行??? 谢谢! - Ad****@hotmail.com 如果OP没有使用Windows窗体控件,那么应该很容易在应用程序上添加一个ASP.NET前端。 "史蒂夫C. Orr [MVP,MCSD]" <圣*** @ Orr.net>在消息中写道 news:eT ************* @ TK2MSFTNGP14.phx.gbl ... 直接转换为ASP.NET可能不会很容易。可能更容易将您的VB.NET应用程序部署为网络上的智能客户端。这里有更多信息: http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframewo。 ..artclient.aspx - 我希望这会有所帮助, Steve C. Orr,MCSD,MVP http://Steve.Orr.net " ACaunter" <广告**** @ hotmail.com>在消息中写道新闻:7E ********************************** @ microsof t.com。 .. 如果有办法将vb.net 应用程序转换为asp.net,有人可以告诉我。或者如果用3层写的vb.net应用程序可以在网上运行??? 谢谢! - Ad****@hotmail.com Hi,can someone please let me know if there is a way to convert a vb.netapplication to asp.net. Or if a vb.net application written in 3-tier couldbe run on the net???Thanks!-- Ad****@hotmail.com 解决方案 Sure. Since you''ve already got your app. written in VB.NET, then youalready have a .NET assembly with .NET classes. All you would have to do ishave your ASP.NET project make a reference to your existing .NET assembly(more on this below) and then your web pages could make instances of yourVB.NET classes.You can''t make a reference to an .exe assembly though. However, you couldsimply rename the .exe to .dll and then you would be able to acess theclasses therein."ACaunter" <Ad****@hotmail.com> wrote in messagenews:7E**********************************@microsof t.com... Hi, can someone please let me know if there is a way to convert a vb.net application to asp.net. Or if a vb.net application written in 3-tier could be run on the net??? Thanks! -- Ad****@hotmail.comConverting directly to ASP.NET would probably not be very easy.It might be easier deploy your VB.NET application as a Smart Client over theweb.Here''s more info: http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframewo...artclient.aspx--I hope this helps,Steve C. Orr, MCSD, MVP http://Steve.Orr.net"ACaunter" <Ad****@hotmail.com> wrote in messagenews:7E**********************************@microsof t.com... Hi, can someone please let me know if there is a way to convert a vb.net application to asp.net. Or if a vb.net application written in 3-tier could be run on the net??? Thanks! -- Ad****@hotmail.comIf the OP is not using Windows Forms controls, it should be very easy to putan ASP.NET front-end on the app."Steve C. Orr [MVP, MCSD]" <St***@Orr.net> wrote in messagenews:eT*************@TK2MSFTNGP14.phx.gbl... Converting directly to ASP.NET would probably not be very easy. It might be easier deploy your VB.NET application as a Smart Client over the web. Here''s more info: http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframewo...artclient.aspx -- I hope this helps, Steve C. Orr, MCSD, MVP http://Steve.Orr.net "ACaunter" <Ad****@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:7E**********************************@microsof t.com... Hi, can someone please let me know if there is a way to convert a vb.net application to asp.net. Or if a vb.net application written in 3-tier could be run on the net??? Thanks! -- Ad****@hotmail.com 这篇关于将vb.net转换为asp.net的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-20 07:41