



当我使用 Navigator.pushNamed(context,"/someRoute"); 时,有一个最小的动画,它会从屏幕底部沿新路线滑动(在Android上,外观可能会有所不同在iOS上).

When I use Navigator.pushNamed(context, "/someRoute");, there is a minimal animation which slides in the new route from the bottom of the screen (on Android, might look different on iOS).


How can I add a custom animation to this transition?

我发现本文,其中包含用于未命名路线的一些非常简洁的示例代码.它们实现了自己的类,该类继承自 PageRouteBuilder ,并且可以像这样使用: Navigator.push(context,SlideRightRoute(page:Screen2())).但是 PageRouteBuilder 不是窗口小部件,并且不能在 MaterialApp 中注册为路由.因此,我看不到如何将其应用于命名路由.

I found this article, which has some very neat sample code for unnamed routes. They implement their own class which inherits from PageRouteBuilder and can be used like this: Navigator.push(context, SlideRightRoute(page: Screen2())). But a PageRouteBuilder is not a Widget and can't be registered as a route in MaterialApp. So I don't see how to apply this to named routes.


您需要在 MaterialApp 小部件中使用 onGenerateRoute .

You need to use onGenerateRoute in your MaterialApp widget.

onGenerateRoute: (settings) {
  if (settings.name == "/someRoute") {
    return PageRouteBuilder(
      pageBuilder: (_, __, ___) => SomePage(),
      transitionsBuilder: (_, a, __, c) => FadeTransition(opacity: a, child: c)
  // unknown route
  return MaterialPageRoute(builder: (_) => UnknownPage());


07-22 11:19