我们正在将"Rest工具箱"中的HttpClient类用于WCF(http://aspnet.codeplex.com/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=24644 )来连接我们创建的Rest服务器.
We're using the HttpClient class from "Rest toolkit" for WCF ( http://aspnet.codeplex.com/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=24644 ) to inteface a Rest-server we've created.
The server currently always close the connection, regardless of the "connection" header (it is in developement, so that is ok for now).
如何告诉HttpClient实例始终关闭连接(或接受服务器关闭连接)?我尝试添加连接:关闭"标头,但出现例外(连接"不是允许的标头).我还尝试设置DefaultHeaders.Connection.Close = true,但这似乎没有任何区别.POST完成后,我仍然可以看到与netstat的连接.
How can I tell the HttpClient instance to always close the connection (or accept that the server closes it)? I tried adding the " Connection: close" header, but resulted in an exeption ("connection" was not an allowed header). I also tried to set DefaultHeaders.Connection.Close = true, but this didn't seem to make any difference. I can still see the connection with netstat after the POST is done.
( body 和 uri 是字符串)
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.DefaultHeaders.Connection = new Connection();
client.DefaultHeaders.Connection.Close = true;
HttpContent content = HttpContent.Create(body);
HttpResponseMessage res = client.Post(new Uri(uri), content);
The problem here is that the next time we do a POST, the call just blocks. We think this is due to the fact that the connection is kept alive by the client, and this is not supported by the server.
I wrote most of the HttpClient code; here are some thoughts:
You don't need to tell HttpClient to accept the server closing the connection -- it should just work automatically -- the server can always close the connection whether or not the client includes the "Connection: close" header
Use response.Dispose() -- the underlying connection may not be able to initiate a new connection / send bytes until you're done reading the bytes that are pending
client.DefaultHeaders.Add("Connection", "close"); should work -- if you get an exception, please open an issue on the codeplex site
You can inspect response.Request.Headers to see what's going out on the wire
您可以跳过Post(new Uri(x))中的"new Uri()"-传递字符串将为您调用正确的构造函数(new Uri(x,UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute))
You can skip the "new Uri()" in Post(new Uri(x)) -- passing a string will call the right constructor (new Uri(x, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)) for you
By default, the timeouts are the same as HttpWebRequest -- you might want to turn them down via client.TransportSettings.ReadWriteTimeout / client.TransportSettings.ConnectionTimeout to distinguish between blocking forever and timing out