本文介绍了Caliburn Micro"Enter"键事件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试将事件与Caliburn Micro绑定在一起,但是在将正确的消息发送给该方法时遇到了一些问题.我想增加在文本框中更改值后按"Enter"键的功能,它执行与旁边的按钮绑定到的方法相同的方法.但是,无论按下哪个键,我都会遇到以下异常:

I am attempting to bind an event with Caliburn Micro and I am having some issues getting the right messages to the method. I would like to add the ability to press the 'Enter' key after changing the value in a text box and it execute the same method that the button next to is bound to. However, regardless of which key is pressed, I get the following exceptions:

类型的第一次机会异常 mscorlib.dll中发生了'System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException'

A first chance exception of type 'System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

类型的第一次机会异常 "System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException"发生在 WindowsBase.dll

A first chance exception of type 'System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException' occurred in WindowsBase.dll

在另一个类似的问题绑定KeyDown事件Silverlight 的建议下,我尝试了使用ActionExecutionContext,但无济于事.

At the suggestion of another, similar question Binding KeyDown Event Silverlight, I've tried using ActionExecutionContext, but to no avail.


<TextBox Name="Threshold"
         <i:EventTrigger EventName="KeyDown">
             <cal:ActionMessage MethodName="ExecuteFilterView">
                 <cal:Parameter Value="$executionContext"/>


 public void ExecuteFilterView(ActionExecutionContext context)
        //Do stuff...


I understand that I could probably save myself some headaches and simply do a standard event handler in the code behind, but this app is an exercise in MVVM and learning to utilize Caliburn.Micro, so I would like to stick with making this particular approach work.


Am I just trying to send the wrong information from the event? Is my xaml not coded properly to get what I want? Or I have missed something else entirely?



Just threw a test together, both of these work for me:


    <TextBox Name="Threshold"
            <i:EventTrigger EventName="KeyDown">
                <cal:ActionMessage MethodName="ExecuteFilterView">
                    <cal:Parameter Value="$executionContext"/>


Using CM syntax (prefer this as it's way more readable)

    <TextBox Name="Threshold"
          cal:Message.Attach="[Event KeyDown] = [Action ExecuteFilterView($executionContext)]" />


public class MainWindowViewModel
    public void ExecuteFilterView(ActionExecutionContext context)
        // This method is hit and the context is present and correct

您可以发布完整的代码-您确定框架设置正确吗? (您是否遵循了入门示例?

Can you post your full code - are you sure you have the framework setup correctly? (have you followed the getting started example?

http://caliburnmicro. codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Basic%20Configuration%2c%20Actions%20and%20Conventions&referringTitle=文档


Ok after your clarification I can give you some examples of how to do this - I'll tell you my personal preference and why, but choose the one that fits you best

  1. 使用ActionExecutionContext并投射eventargs:
  1. Using ActionExecutionContext and casting the eventargs:
    cal:Message.Attach="[Event KeyDown] = [Action ExecuteFilterView($executionContext)]"
    public void ExecuteFilterView(ActionExecutionContext context)
        var keyArgs = context.EventArgs as KeyEventArgs;

        if (keyArgs != null && keyArgs.Key == Key.Enter)
            // Do Stuff
  1. 直接使用EventArgs
    cal:Message.Attach="[Event KeyDown] = [Action ExecuteFilterView($eventArgs)]"
    public void ExecuteFilterView(KeyEventArgs keyArgs)
        if (keyArgs.Key == Key.Enter)
            // Do Stuff
  1. 我个人的最爱,创建了自己的SpecialValues词典条目:
  1. My personal fave, creating your own SpecialValues dictionary entry:


MessageBinder.SpecialValues.Add("$pressedkey", (context) =>
    // NOTE: IMPORTANT - you MUST add the dictionary key as lowercase as CM
    // does a ToLower on the param string you add in the action message, in fact ideally
    // all your param messages should be lowercase just in case. I don't really like this
    // behaviour but that's how it is!
    var keyArgs = context.EventArgs as KeyEventArgs;

    if (keyArgs != null)
        return keyArgs.Key;

    return null;


cal:Message.Attach="[Event KeyDown] = [Action ExecuteFilterView($pressedKey)]"


public void ExecuteFilterView(Key key)
    if (key == Key.Enter)
        // Do Stuff


The reason this is my favourite? It means that your VM just receives the value you want (most of the time you don't care about a lot of the other parameters) and you don't need to know how to or bother to cast the eventargs - you can just operate on the value. Obviously use whatever is best for you


It's also worth noting, that if you have other types of controls that subclass KeyEventArgs this will work for them. If they don't subclass KeyEventArgs but they still return a value of type Key this will still work too as you can just add another cast to the delegate if the first one fails:


MessageBinder.SpecialValues.Add("$pressedkey", (context) =>
    var keyArgs = context.EventArgs as KeyEventArgs;

    if (keyArgs != null)
        return keyArgs.Key;

    // Ok so it wasn't KeyEventArgs... check for some other type - maybe a 3rd party implementation
    var thirdPartyKeyArgs = context.EventArgs as ThirdPartyKeyArgs;

    if (thirdPartyKeyArgs != null)
        return thirdPartyKeyArgs.KeyProperty;

    return null;

这篇关于Caliburn Micro"Enter"键事件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 10:58