我的 WPF 项目使用 Caliburn micro.静态菜单很容易与 Caliburn 绑定
I use Caliburn micro for my WPF Project. Static menus are easy to bind with Caliburn
<Menu Grid.Row="0" IsMainMenu="True">
<MenuItem Header="_File">
<MenuItem x:Name="OpenScript" Header="_Open script"/>
<MenuItem Header="_Script">
<MenuItem x:Name="RunScript" Header="_Run script" />
<MenuItem x:Name="StopScript" Header="_Stop script" />
<MenuItem Header="S_ettings">
<MenuItem x:Name="Plugins" Header="_Plugins">...Clickable children here</MenuItem>
名称绑定到模型上的方法,但是对于您在上面看到的插件菜单,我们需要绑定到 PluginViewModel 的集合.然后当您单击插件时,我希望在菜单上触发 Caliburn 操作方法视图模型(您现在可以从中产生返回 IResults 的那种).这可能吗?
The names are bound to methods on the model, but for the Plugins menu that you see above we need to bind against a collection of PluginViewModel.. Then when you click a plugin i want a Caliburn action method to trigger on the menu view model (You now the kind that you can yield reuturn IResults from).. Is this possible?
This question is for this open source projecthttps://github.com/AndersMalmgren/FreePIE
edit: Forgot to mentioned that i have solved the binding part,
public BindableCollection<PluginMenuViewModel> Plugins { get; set; }
But i do not know how to listen to the click from the model
The best way is to add your own message binder
MessageBinder.SpecialValues.Add("$originalsourcecontext", context => {
var args = context.EventArgs as RoutedEventArgs;
if(args == null) {
return null;
var fe = args.OriginalSource as FrameworkElement;
if(fe == null) {
return null;
return fe.DataContext;
然后您可以像这样从 xaml 中使用它
You can then use it from xaml like this
这篇关于带有 Caliburn micro 的动态菜单的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!