似乎很多人围绕着我,对于Intel Visual Fortran来说很不方便。因为没有对智能感知,重构等的支持。正如其他人已经提到的那样,你可以使用IDE而不是IDE单独的文本编辑器。几个想到;
VIM(或其中一个家族) - 出色的编辑功能,非常可定制。不幸的是,它仍然是编辑
不是IDE。当然,它可以以各种方式进行定制,但一段时间后会变得无聊。而且,它的语法突出显示功能在某种程度上是错误的。对于免费/固定格式和f77 / f90 / f95也存在一些问题/困惑... Emacs - 与上述几乎相同的优点/缺点。 - SlickEdit - 拥有非常好的fortran支持;不幸的是,修改它有点烦人和支持论坛没有太大的帮助。
- Silverfrost的编译器曾经带有它自己的IDE(柏拉图,如果我没有记错的话,它已经有一段时间了) - 不知道它发生了什么,它是否仍然活着 >
- Absoft也有自己的一个(从来没有使用过它......)
- 我曾经遇到过一个专门的fortran编辑器,亚...的东西;不幸的是我不记得它的名字;也许别人会知道
- Visual Studio + Resharper是我最好的选择之一(我曾经使用过自己,所以我可能会有偏见),它会在VS中增加一些编辑功能编辑。它们中的大多数也可以用宏来完成。
Is there anybody using Fortran on stackoverflow? What IDE do you use and which one do you think to be the best?
Seems lots of people surround me are quite inconvenient with Intel Visual Fortran. Because there is no support for intellisense, refactoring, etc.
Well, as others already mentioned you could use instead of an IDE a separate text editor. Several come to mind;
VIM (or one of the family) - great editing capabilities, very customizable. Unfortunatelly, it is still an editornot an IDE. It can be customized in a variety of ways of course, but that gets boring after a while. Also, it's syntax highlighting capabilities are somewhat wrongly made. Also has some problems/confusions with free/fixed format and f77/f90/f95 ...
Emacs - pretty much same advantages/shortcomings as the above.
- SlickEdit - has very nice fortran support; unfortunatelly, modifying it is a little annoying and the support forums are not much help.
In general, editors like the above mentioned can be used, but in that case it is best to choose one from the start and stick to it; modifying your work habits as you go; since customizing everything can be time consuming to suit your needs.
Most editors have problems with fortran's syntax, since they're used to C's (where everything that "opens" has a "close").
As far as IDE's goes, your options are not that great:
- Silverfrost's compiler used to come with it's own IDE (Plato, if I do remember correctly; it's been a while) - don't know what happened to it, and whether it still is "alive"
- Absoft has one of it's own as well (never used it so ...)
- There was a specialized fortran editor I once encountered; ya...something; unfortunatelly I cannot remember it's name; maybe someone else will know
- One of the best options (which I used to use myself, so I may be biased) is Visual Studio + Resharper, which will add a few editing features to VS's editor. Most of them can also be accomplished with macros.
This post could use some editing but it is written in a hurry, so ...
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