本文介绍了什么是最好的 Django 搜索应用程序?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在构建一个需要搜索功能的 Django 项目,在出现 django.contrib.search 之前,我必须选择一个搜索应用程序.那么,哪个最好?最好"是指...

I'm building a Django project that needs search functionality, and until there's a django.contrib.search, I have to choose a search app. So, which is the best? By "best" I mean...

  • 易于安装/设置
  • 有一个 Django 或者至少是 Python 友好的 API
  • 可以执行相当复杂的搜索


Here are some apps I've heard of, please suggest others if you know of any:

我还想避免使用第三方搜索引擎(如 Google SiteSearch),因为我想索引的一些数据仅供网站成员使用,不应公开.

I'd also like to avoid using a third-party search engine (like Google SiteSearch), because some of the data I'd like to index is for site members only and should not be public.


查看 Haystack Search - 基于新模型的当前支持XapianSolrWhoosh.看起来它得到了很好的支持和记录.

Check out Haystack Search - a new model based search abstraction layer that currently supports Xapian, Solr and Whoosh. Looks like it's well supported and documented.

这篇关于什么是最好的 Django 搜索应用程序?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 10:40