


I have recently written an ETL, which works just fine.I would like to remind myself how to use free monads, so would like to convert my ETL as such.Note: my intention here is not to write a better ETL, but to re-familiarize myself with free monads. In re-learing how free monads work, I got side tracked with the topic of this question.


So I asked a related question some months ago. Someone commented that my recursive function could be made tail-recursive using continuation passing style. I can't figure out how to do it.


type In1 = int
type In2 = int
type Out1 = int
type Out2 = int

type FaceInstruction<'a> =
| Member1 of (In1 * (Out1 -> 'a))
| Member2 of (In2 * (Out2 -> 'a))

let private mapI f = function
    | Member1 (x, next) -> Member1 (x, next >> f)
    | Member2 (x, next) -> Member2 (x, next >> f)

type FaceProgram<'a> =
| Free of FaceInstruction<FaceProgram<'a>>
| Pure of 'a

let rec bind f = function
| Free x -> x |> mapI (bind f) |> Free
| Pure x -> f x


The function I am trying to make tail recusrive is bind


let rec bind2 (f: 'a -> FaceProgram<'b>) k  z : FaceProgram<'b> =
    match z with
    |Pure x -> x |> f |> k
    |Free x -> bind2 ???


I am starting to think that, in fact, it is not possible to make this tail recursive. The type FaceInstruction<'a> already includes a continuation, and the function mapI modifies that continuation, so now trying to add another continuation k is one of two more continuations than I can handle right now!



In reality bind is not actually a recursive function in the sense that in the stack there is never going to be more than one call to bind at any given time.

原因是因为bindmapI都不调用bind.请注意,它们如何立即退出而不深入堆栈. bind调用mapI,但是mapI根本不调用任何函数(除了作为构造函数的Member1Member2之外).他们要做的是使用bindnext组成一个新的Free monad实例.必须将bind声明为rec,因为它需要自我引用才能将自身作为参数传递给mapI.

The reason is because neither bind nor mapI call bind. Notice how they both exit immediately without going deeper into the stack. bind calls mapI but mapI does not call any function at all (apart from Member1 or Member2 which are constructor functions). What they do is compose a new Free monad instance using bind and next. bind has to be declared as rec because it needs a self-reference to pass itself as a parameter to mapI.


It is the interpreter that needs to be implemented as tail recursive, which should not be too difficult.

