


I'm having an issue with an OpenCL image filter I've been trying to get working.I've written many of these before (Sobel Edge Detection, Auto Segmentation, and such), so I thought I knew how to do this, but the following code is giving me some really weird output:


__kernel void NoRedPixels(
    __read_only image2d_t srcImg,
    __write_only image2d_t dstImg,
    sampler_t sampler,
    int width, int height,
    int threshold,
    int colour,
    int fill)
    int2 imageCoordinate = (int2)(get_global_id(0), get_global_id(1));

    if (imageCoordinate.x < width && imageCoordinate.y < height)

        float4 pixel = read_imagef(srcImg, sampler, imageCoordinate);
        float4 blue = (float4)(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f,1.0f);

        if (1.0f - pixel.x <= 0.1f)
            write_imagef(dstImg, imageCoordinate, blue);
            write_imagef(dstImg, imageCoordinate, pixel);


So for testing, all I want to do is replace red pixels with blue ones, but this code will replace all matching pixels with WHITE ones.As far as I know, my formatting for blue is proper RGBA formatting for creating pure blue (I've done this before without issue).

我'使用PyOpenCL作为我的框架,我确保将源图像和目标图像的图像通道顺序设置为RGBA。此外,我还确保将源图像转换为RGBA格式(使用Python Imaging Library),如果它在运行内核之前尚未采用该格式。

I'm using PyOpenCL as my framework, and I've made sure to set the image channel order for both the source and destination images as RGBA. In addition, I've also made sure to convert the source image to RGBA format (using Python Imaging Library) if it was not already in that format before running the kernel on it.


I've gone back and looked at other kernels I've written, and the formatting is identical. What am I missing here that would cause it to write white pixels out instead of blue ones?



Okay, so I think I've figured it out. For some reason, OpenCL's not so keen on letting you edit the channels the way I wanted to. I ended up solving it by simply adding or subtracting equivalent float4 vectors to obtain the resultant vector I wanted.

__kernel void NoRedPixels(__read_only image2d_t srcImg, __write_only image2d_t dstImg,
sampler_t sampler, int width, int height, int threshold, int colour, int fill)
    int2 imageCoordinate = (int2) (get_global_id(0), get_global_id(1));
    if (imageCoordinate.x < width && imageCoordinate.y < height)
        float4 pix = read_imagef(srcImg, sampler, (int2)(imageCoordinate.x, imageCoordinate.y));

        //Full red channel, subtract this from original to remove red!
        float4 red = (float4)(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        float4 blue = (float4)(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

    if (pix.x >= 0.9f && pix.y <= 0.1f && pix.z <= 0.1f) //If red, then replace with blue.
        const float4 outColor = pix - red + blue;
        write_imagef(dstImg, imageCoordinate, outColor);
        write_imagef(dstImg, imageCoordinate, pix);



So in this case, by creating vectors to represent blue and red (without transparency) subtracting red, then adding blue, I obtain the resulting vector I wanted. Personally, I'm not sure why I have to do it this way, but I'm just glad I know what OpenCL expects me to do, now. Hopefully if someone else is having this problem, they'll find this here.


08-29 06:05