I am developing an application which uses a hierarchical object structure and displays a few key object properties from those objects on the main GUI within a DataGridView. Those values must update when the underlying data changes. I have considered a few options:
- 将各个DataGridView单元绑定到相关的对象属性.我知道这是不可能的,并且DGV绑定是全部还是全部.
- 动态地将文本框放置在网格单元上并绑定它们,但这看起来很混乱.
- 创建一个仅引用相关对象属性的中间列表/数组/集合,然后将该列表用作DataGridView的数据源.
- 响应PropertyChanged事件.复杂的是,我有多个班级.顶级对象存在于UI范围内,并具有一个子对象,该子对象又可以具有其自己的多个子对象,依此类推. UI可以访问所有对象的属性,但不能访问它们的事件.
I have been looking at passing the PropertyChanged event from whichever level it occurs up the chain so that it can be handled within the UI. So within a particular class I want to respond to OnPropertyChanged within that class, and within any children, and make any events raised available to the parent class. Thus events would flow up the tree to the top.
I understand how to do the two steps individually, I think, with reference to the following:
However, although I presume the two can be combined, I am not quite sure how to do this. In the UI I have got this:
project.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(ProjectPropertyChanged);
private void ProjectPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) {
MessageBox.Show("In main UI. Project property changed!");
And then one level down I have got something like this:
public class Project : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public Project() {
childObject.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(ProjectPropertyChanged);
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
var handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null) handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
ProjectPropertyChanged(sender, e); // this doesn't work due to different parameters
private void PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// Event available to parent class
The idea being that each class would pass its own OnPropertyChanged() events to its PropertyChanged() method, and respond to its children's OnPropertyChanged() events, and expose all to the parent class.
If doing this, ideally I would like to retain knowledge of which property changed in order to respond accordingly.
The most immediate issue is lack of compatibility between ProjectPropertyChanged and OnPropertyChanged due to different parameters. More fundamentally, though, I am not sure whether this method is workable or optimal.
How best to do this?
我尝试使用DataTable对中间绑定源执行此操作失败(根据).问题是我无法创建对数据对象的引用. DataTable似乎包含值.
I tried unsuccessfully to do this with an intermediate binding source, using a DataTable (as per this question.). The problem was that I couldn't create references to the data objects. The DataTable seemed to contain values.
So I ended up using a method I was more sure about, but is less elegant, which is option 2 in my question above. I position Labels where I need bound data values, and bind to those labels. This works.
With some simplification, and pretending that our objects are animals, my solution was this:
Label[,] dashboardLabels = new Label[3,14];
private void Form1_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
CreateLabels(); // create and position labels (no binding yet)
public void CreateLabels(int cols = 3, int rows = 14)
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++)
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
// Create label...
Label l = new Label();
l.Text = "N/A";
l.ForeColor = Color.Red
dashboardLabels[col, row] = l;
// Position label over DGV cell...
Point dgvCell = dataGridView1.GetCellDisplayRectangle(col + 2, rowNumbersLabel[row], false).Location;
Point dgvGrid = dataGridView1.Location;
l.Left = dgvGrid.X + dgvCell.X;
l.Top = dgvGrid.Y + dgvCell.Y;
private void UpdateLabels(List<Dog> dogs)
for (int i = 0; i < dogs; i++)
if (!dashboardLabels[i, 0].Visible) dashboardLabels[i, 0].Visible = true;
if (dogs[i].IsSetUp) BindLabel(dashboardLabels[i, 0], dogs[i],"Name");
private void BindLabel(Label l, Dog dog, string observation)
Binding b = new Binding("Text", dog, observation);
l.ForeColor = Color.Green;
Then when the objects are created, I call UpdateLabels()
. If not initialised, the label will show 'N/A' in red at this point. If initialised, the label will become green and will be bound to the object's name so it will update automatically from that point on.
I did much searching and the information I was finding suggested that a DataGridView does not support complex data binding i.e. it is pretty much one class to one DGV, or not at all. I couldn't find an alternative grid-like control which would do it either.