


I'm using Autofac. I want to inject a delegate into a class:

public delegate ValidationResult ValidateAddressFunction(Address address);

public class OrderSubmitHandler
    private readonly ValidateAddressFunction _validateAddress;

    public OrderSubmitHandler(ValidateAddressFunction validateAddress)
        _validateAddress = validateAddress;

    public void SubmitOrder(Order order)
        var addressValidation = _validateAddress(order.ShippingAddress);
            throw new Exception("Your address is invalid!");

我要注入的 ValidateAddressFunction 的实现来自必须从容器中解析的类,因为它具有自己的依赖性:

The implementation of ValidateAddressFunction I want to inject comes from a class that must be resolved from the container because it has dependencies of its own:

public class OrderValidator
    private readonly ISomeDependency _dependency;

    public OrderValidator(ISomeDependency dependency)
        _dependency = dependency;

    public ValidationResult ValidateAddress(Address address)
        // use _dependency
        // validate the order
        // return a result
        return new ValidationResult();

在此示例中,我使用的是委托,但我也可以注入 Func< Address,ValidationResult> .

In this example I'm using a delegate, but I could just as well be injecting Func<Address, ValidationResult>.

我可以只注入 OrderValidator ,但我宁愿不要仅使用一种方法来创建接口.如果我所有的上课需求只是一种方法,那么我宁愿直接依靠它.

I could just inject OrderValidator, but I'd rather not create an interface with just one method. If all my class needs is one method then I'd rather depend directly on that.

我如何以这样的方式注册委托或 Func ,以便在解决该问题时,将解析包含该方法的类,然后可以从已解决的实例中使用该方法?/p>

How do I register the delegate or Func in such a way that when it's resolved, the class that contains the method will be resolved, and then I can use the method from the resolved instance?


使用可解析提供该方法的类型的工厂方法注册委托或 Func< Address,ValidationResult> 方法.

Register the delegate or Func<Address, ValidationResult> using a factory method that resolves the type which provides the method, and then returns the method.

在您的示例中,您将要解析 OrderValidator 并返回其 ValidateAddress 方法.

In your example you would want to resolve OrderValidator and return its ValidateAddress method.

var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

// register the class that provides the method and its dependencies.


// register the delegate using a factory method that resolves
// the type that provides the method and then returns the method.

builder.Register<ValidateAddressFunction>(context =>
    var validator = context.Resolve<OrderValidator>();
    return validator.ValidateAddress;

如果您注册的是 Func< Address,ValidationResult> 而不是委托,则此方法将完全相同:

This would work exactly the same way if you were registering Func<Address, ValidationResult> instead of a delegate:

builder.Register<Func<Address, ValidationResult>>(context =>
    var validator = context.Resolve<OrderValidator>();
    return validator.ValidateAddress;


You can simplify the registration using an extension. It's not that much shorter, but it still helps if you're likely to have multiple such registrations. It might also help to express your intent so it's perfectly clear that you're registering a delegate to be injected as opposed to a class instance or interface implementation.

public static class AutofacDelegateExtensions
    public static IRegistrationBuilder<TDelegate, SimpleActivatorData, SingleRegistrationStyle> RegisterDelegateFromService<TService, TDelegate>(
        this ContainerBuilder builder,
        Func<TService, TDelegate> getDelegateFromService,
        string sourceComponentName = null)
        where TDelegate : class
        var registrationFunction = new Func<IComponentContext, TDelegate>(context =>
            var source = sourceComponentName == null
                ? context.Resolve<TService>()
                : context.ResolveNamed<TService>(sourceComponentName);
            return getDelegateFromService(source);

        return builder.Register(registrationFunction);


Autofac registrations are transient by default, so the lifetime of the class that provides the delegate is determined by the registration of that class.


Now the registration would look like this:

builder.RegisterDelegateFromService<OrderValidator, ValidateAddressFunction>(validator =>

或者,如果提供方法的依赖项(在本例中为 OrderValidator )注册了一个名称,我们必须使用该名称来解决它:

Or, if the dependency which provides the method - in this case OrderValidator is registered with a name and we must resolve it using that name:

builder.RegisterDelegateFromService<OrderValidator, ValidateAddressFunction>(validator =>
    validator.ValidateAddress, "RegistrationName");


07-22 10:40