





    的setContentView(R.layout.activity_local_executor);    multiplicationTask T1 =新multiplicationTask();
    t1.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR);    multiplicationTask T2 =新multiplicationTask();
    t2.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR);    multiplicationTask T3 =新multiplicationTask();
    t3.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR);    multiplicationTask T4 =新multiplicationTask();


 类multiplicationTask扩展的AsyncTask<整数,整数,字符串> {    在preExecute保护无效()
    }    @覆盖
    保护字符串doInBackground(整数... PARAMS){
        Log.v(的println,完成任务:+ resulting_time);


That will be handled automatically by the JVM / android. If you don't see any performance gains, the likeliest reasons are:

  • the tasks are not parallelisable (for example you calculate two results but the second depends on the first so they run sequentially)
  • the tasks are no CPU-bound (i.e. if you read a huge file, the bottleneck is the speed of you storage, not the CPU, and adding threads won't help)
  • you don't start enough threads / you start too many threads

I suggest you show the code that create and start the threads as well as give an idea of what the tasks do if you need a more specific answer.


Note that AsyncTask's primary use is to run short background tasks that interact with the UI. In your case, a plain executor would probably be better. The basic syntax to create one would be:

private static final int N_CPUS = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1;
private final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(N_CPUS);

And to use it:

executor.submit(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        Log.v("PrintLN", "Executing Task");
        //your code here
        Log.v("PrintLN", "Done Task: " + resulting_time);

And don't forget to shutdown the executor when you are done.

Now the performance improvement will vary on a number of factors. In your case, if tasks are too short lived, the context switching overhead (when the CPU activates one thread or another) can be large enough that the benefits of multiple threads can be offset.

Another possible bottleneck is synchronization: if you exchange data across threads continuously this will cause a lot of overhead too.



09-06 11:00