本文介绍了在 CakePHP 2.1 插件中使用 App::uses(而不是 App::import)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在用 CakePHP 2.1 编写一个小应用程序,我想使用 Nick Baker 的文件上传插件.我下载了 cakephp2.0 分支(我知道还没有完成),并将它放在我的应用程序插件文件夹中.我对其进行了一些必要的修改,但我很好奇替换那些 App::import 函数调用的正确方法是什么(在 FileUploadComponent 的开头,FileUploadBehaviorFileUploadHelper 类)与 App:uses 函数.

I'm writing a small application in CakePHP 2.1, and I want to use Nick Baker's file upload plugin. I downloaded the cakephp2.0 branch (I know that isn't done yet), and placed it in my apps Plugin folder. I made some necessary modifications on it, but I'm curious what the right way is to replace those App::import function calls (at start of FileUploadComponent, FileUploadBehavior and FileUploadHelper classes) with the App:uses function.

它需要从 Config/file_upload_settings.php 导入 FileUploadSettings 类和从 Vendor/upload.php 导入 Uploader 类.它可以通过 require_once 函数来完成,但我确信有一种 CakePHP 方法可以做到这一点.

It needs to import the FileUploadSettings class from Config/file_upload_settings.php and the Uploader class from Vendor/upload.php. It can be done with the require_once function, but I'm sure there is a CakePHP way to do it.


根据 Cake 手册 App::import()require_once() 的方式相当作品.据我了解,您将使用 App:uses() 加载类,使用 App:import() 加载供应商文件.

According to the Cake manual App::import() is comparable to the way require_once() works. From what I understand you would load classes using App:uses() and Vendor files using App:import().

API 文档说以下 主题:

The API documentation says the following on the subject:

过去使用 App::import('Core', $class) 加载的所有类都需要使用 App::uses() 加载指的是正确的包.这一变化为框架带来了巨大的性能提升.

  • 该方法不再递归查找类,它严格使用App::build()
  • 中定义的路径的值
  • 将无法加载 App::import('Component', 'Component') 使用 App::uses('Component', 'Controller');.
  • 不再可能使用 App::import('Lib', 'CoreClass'); 加载核心类.导入不存在的文件、提供错误的类型或包名称,或者 $name$file 参数的 null 值将导致错误的返回值.
  • App::import('Core', 'CoreClass') 不再受支持,请改用 App::uses() 并让类自动加载休息.
  • 加载供应商文件不会在供应商文件夹中递归显示,它也不会像过去那样将文件转换为下划线.
  • The method no longer looks for classes recursively, it strictly uses the values for the paths defined in App::build()
  • It will not be able to load App::import('Component', 'Component') use App::uses('Component', 'Controller');.
  • Using App::import('Lib', 'CoreClass'); to load core classes is no longer possible. Importing a non-existent file, supplying a wrong type or package name, or null values for $name and $file parameters will result in a false return value.
  • App::import('Core', 'CoreClass') is no longer supported, use App::uses() instead and let the class autoloading do the rest.
  • Loading Vendor files does not look recursively in the vendors folder, it will also not convert the file to underscored anymore as it did in the past.

迁移指南也有 关于App:uses() 的一些事情要说,通常是一个很好的起点,可以比较 2.0 的最佳实践与 1.3 及更低版本的旧方法.

The migration guide also has some things to say about App:uses() and is a good starting point in general to compare best practices for 2.0 with the older methods from 1.3 and lower.

这个相关问题处理在 Cake 2.0 中加载供应商文件,我无法验证 José Lorenzo 的声明,即 App:import()require_once() 的愚蠢包装器",也无法验证它是首选方式的声明包括文件.我能找到的关于后者的唯一参考是 编码标准 对于 Cake 贡献者,即.为 Cake 核心做出贡献的开发人员,而不是构建在该框架上的应用程序.

This related question deals with loading Vendor files in Cake 2.0, I can't verify the claim by José Lorenzo that App:import() is a "silly wrapper" for require_once(), nor the statement that it's the preferred way of including files. The only reference I could find for the latter is in the Coding Standards for Cake contributors, viz. developers contributing to the Cake core, not applications built on the framework.


假设您要导入位于 Vendor/twitter 中的 Twitter OAuth 库,主要的类文件是Vendor/twitter/twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php中的twitteroauth.php:

Let's say you want to import the Twitter OAuth library, residing in Vendor/twitter, the main class file is twitteroauth.php in Vendor/twitter/twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php:

  App::import('Vendor', 'twitteroauth', array('file' => 'twitter'.DS.'twitteroauth'.DS.'twitteroauth.php'));

这篇关于在 CakePHP 2.1 插件中使用 App::uses(而不是 App::import)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 20:27