本文介绍了如何在 Silverlight 3 中将 .NET RIA 服务与 MVVM 结合起来?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


.NET RIA 服务被描述为 Silverlight 的 n 层框架.我一直想知道这个框架和 Model-View-ViewModel 模式之间的关系是什么.它们是否存在冲突,或者您能看到协同组合的潜力吗?

The .NET RIA Services are described as an n-tier framework for Silverlight. I have been wondering what the relation is between this framework and the Model-View-ViewModel pattern. Are they in conflict or can you see the potential for synergic combination?


.NET RIA Services 和 MVVM 是协同的,并不冲突.

.NET RIA Services and MVVM are synergistic, and aren't in conflict.


For example, if I write a Catalog domain service that exposes Products and Categories on the server, and correspondingly have a Catalog domain context on the client... then the following are options to use depending on the scenario:

  1. 编写一个视图模型,该模型包装 Catalog 域上下文并公开分发已加载到 Products 和 Categories 列表中的数据子集的属性.并公开在 Catalog 上反转和调用方法的操作.

  1. Write a view model that wraps the Catalog domain context and exposes properties that hand out subsets of data that has been loaded into the Products and Categories lists. And expose operations that turn around and invoke methods on Catalog.


Expose a Catalog out of the view model. Often this is perfect for read-only scenarios.


In either case your view model can take care of initializing the Catalog and customizing its creation, setup etc.


Hope that helps get you started in thinking how these might be effectively combined.


We'll definitely be showing some of this working in future samples we put out.

这篇关于如何在 Silverlight 3 中将 .NET RIA 服务与 MVVM 结合起来?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 10:15