

 列表<关联>我的DAO中有一个hibernate调用, ());} =(List&Associate>)List.createSQLQuery(SELECT * FROM associates WHERE fk_id =:id AND fk_associate_id =(SELECT id FROM users WHERE fk_user_type = 2))setParameter(id,id).list() ; 



您需要指定结果应该是的实体类转换为使用 addEntity(),因为您正在执行不知道实体的SQL查询:

$ p> 列表与LT;准> associate =(List< Associate>)session.createSQLQuery(
SELECT * FROM associates WHERE fk_id =:id AND fk_associate_id =(SELECT id FROM users WHERE fk_user_type = 2))
.addEntity(Associate。 class)


I have a hibernate call in my DAO that looks like this

List<Associate> associate = (List<Associate>)session.createSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM associates WHERE fk_id = :id AND fk_associate_id = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE fk_user_type = 2)").setParameter("id", id).list();

I am getting an error saying that I cannot cast the resulting list to the model type Associate. I don't understand why this is happening. I am returning only the fields that are in the associates table.


You need to specify the class of entity the result should be converted to using addEntity(), because you are executing SQL query that doesn't know anything about entities:

List<Associate> associate = (List<Associate>) session.createSQLQuery(
    "SELECT * FROM associates WHERE fk_id = :id AND fk_associate_id = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE fk_user_type = 2)")
    .setParameter("id", id).list();

See also:


09-14 05:19