本文介绍了使用REST API批准Azure DevOps中的Yaml管道部署的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用Azure DevOps中新的多阶段管道来管理对Azure环境的部署.我在Azure DevOps中设置了相应的环境,以便我们可以明确批准每个系统的实际部署.

I'm using the new multi-stage pipelines in Azure DevOps to manage deployments to Azure environments.I setup the corresponding Environments in Azure DevOps so that we can explicitly approve the actual deployments for each system.

我们想提供一个自定义的Web视图,以监控部署并批准.我找不到新管道和环境的 REST api 的任何在线文档.到目前为止,我只能触发发布,但是我需要从Azure DevOps门户批准部署.

We want to provide a custom web view to monitor the deployments and approve them.I couldn't find any online docs for the REST api of the new pipelines and environments.So far I can only trigger the releases but I need to approve the deployments from the Azure DevOps portal.


Any doc, blog post or example available?


当前不支持使用REST API在Azure DevOps中批准yaml管道部署.

Currently Approve a yaml pipeline deployment in Azure DevOps using REST api is not supported.


As we can see by pressing F12 in browser when approving a deployment, it has the different "approvalId":"8ca00a75-de34-43c0-83b9-702dd1aae775"every time for the same environment.

您可以从 https://developercommunity.visualstudio推荐功能.com/content/idea/post.html?space = 21

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08-05 03:48