本文介绍了如何解决“违反家庭政策要求"的问题在Google Playstore上的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我针对(0-5岁)儿童的免费应用在最近一次更新中遭到Google Play拒绝.它尚未发布,我仅发布内部测试.问题如下:

My free app directed at children from (0-5) just got rejected from Google Play in its last update. It is not released yet, I'm only releasing internal tests. The issue is the following:


We have detected that your app collects personal information, however, it was not disclosed in your Play Console. Apps that include children in the target audience must comply with all Families Policy Requirements, which requires that you disclose the collection of any personal information from children in your app, including through APIs and SDKs called or used in your app. "

我的应用程序不包含任何广告,但是只有一个IAP(非消耗性),可以解锁整个游戏.我正在使用一种名为Construct 3的中间件来制作它,还使用GameAnalytics来记录诸如游戏完成,错误等事件.

My app does not contain any ads but instead it has a single IAP (non-consumable) which unlocks the full game. I am using a middleware called Construct 3 to make it and also GameAnalytics to record events such as game completed, errors, etc.

The Required permissions are the following:
android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, android.permission.INTERNET, android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, com.android.vending.BILLING


So I am not sure what the problem is, to be honest, and I am a bit confused. The mail I received mentioned doing the following:


"Review the App Content > Target audience and content section in your Play Console and be sure to accurately disclose the collection of personal information. And if applicable, you must collect verifiable parental consent before collecting any personal information from children."

因此,我尝试过,关于收集个人信息的唯一事情就是他们所说的PII(个人身份信息).但是,除非我是因为GameAnalytics SDK引起的,否则我不会收集我所知的任何个人身份信息?

So I tried and the only thing regarding the collection of personal information is what they refer to as PII (personal identifiable information). However, I don't collect any personal identifiable information as far as I know unless it's because of GameAnalytics SDK?


Example of fake data I get on GameAnalytics:

{arrival_ts:23:06, country_code:US, data:{android_app_build:3600, android_app_signature:fdg46g465dfg45d4fg654dfg64g, android_app_version:0.0.36, android_bundle_id:com.test.test, android_channel_id:com.android.vending, build:0.0.36, category:session_end, client_ts:45464654, connection_type:wwan, device:Pixel 3, google_aid:dbf5e8ab-488a-4152-afb1-dfgdf556, length:1196, manufacturer:Google, os_version:android 9, platform:android, sdk_version:construct 2.2.3, session_id:c8e3d86c-8519-42f7-a3b4-6465dfgdgf, session_num:32, user_id:dbfdfggfdab-488a-4152-afb1-df45dfg, v:2}, first_in_batch:true, game_id:78269, ip:}

如果有人知道在哪里看,那将不胜感激.这是我在Stack Overflow上发布的信息,因此,如果这里没有这个位置,对不起.

If anyone has some idea where to look at, that would be really appreciated.This my post on Stack Overflow, so if it does not have this place here sorry.



We experienced this problem with 2 apps:

  • 第一个应用程序:我收到一条消息,说我的更新由于家庭计划中的违规而被拒绝,称它崩溃或出现错误(完全通用的消息,没有任何细节),我输入联系支持表格,他们会发送一封电子邮件,要求我阅读条款并更新我的APK编号并再次提交.我阅读了条款,我已经遵守了所有规定,因此我回答说,我们已经遵守了所有规定,我们测试了APK和OBB的安装和游戏性能,一切都很好,请发送更多详细信息,他们回复复制并粘贴相同的消息,我再次坚持要求让他们解释问题,他们回复要求更新我的APK版本,再次提交,我说这将解决所有崩溃问题,请解释一下问题所在,并在要求更新APK版本的消息中突出显示了名为Sara的支持,有点像是没有回应我所要求的机器,但我已更新我的APK version,再次提交并...工作.为什么?出于某种原因,他们不会解释,我猜是他们只是将我的APK标记为肮脏,以试图删除开发人员未更新的应用程序,因此我认为没有其他合乎逻辑的事情.

  • First App: I received a message saying that my update was rejected because of the violation on the Family program alleging that it was crashing or giving an error (pretty generic message without any detail at all), I enter in contact on the support form and they send an email asking for me to read the terms and to update my APK number and submit again, I read the terms, I already had complied with everything so I replied saying that, we already comply with everyhting and we tested the APK and OBB installation and game play, all good, please send more details, they replied copying and pasting the same message, I once more insisted and asked for them to explain the problem, they replied asking for update my APK version and submit again, I said this will solve no crashes, please explain what is the problem and the support called Sara highlighted in the message asking to update the APK version, kind of talking with a machine that do not responded what I asked, but I updated my APK version, submitted again and... Worked. Why? For some reason they will not explain, my guess is they just marked my APK as dirty as an attempt to remove apps that the developers don't update, there's no other logical thing I can think off.

第二个应用程序:与上一个应用程序相比,我没有一个圆满的结局,我尝试了6次更新APK版本的技术,但均无济于事,我要求表单上的帮助(很多次),他们只是复制并粘贴有关阅读条款的消息,我开始坚持要求提供一些细节,并向他们提供了许多证明,证明我发送给Google Play的APK + OBB文件运行良好,并要求提供有关此问题"的任何线索.,就像他们经历过的设备模型和Android版本一样(这不是他们想提供给我们的最低要求吗?),但是在多次要求之后,支持人员Arthur第一次没有复制粘贴并最终写了一封电子邮件,他的回答是:

Second App: This one I didn't had a happy end as the previous one, I tried the technique of updating the APK version 6 times, none worked, I asked help on the form (many times), they just copy and paste the message about read the Terms, I started to insist for some details, provided them with many proves that my APK+OBB files sent to Google Play are working fine, and asked for any clue about this "problem", like a device model and Android Version that they experienced it (isn't the minimum they suppose to provide us?) but after requesting this many times, for the first time the support guy called Arthur didn't copied and pasted and finally wrote an email, his answer was:

再次感谢您与Google Play小组联系.

Thanks again for contacting the Google Play Team.


As much as I'd like to help, due to policy, I’m not able to provide any more information or a better answer to your question. In our previous email, I made sure to include all the information available to me.

如果您对Google Play政策有其他疑问,请告诉我.

If you have a different question about Google Play policies, please let me know.

关于,亚瑟Google Play小组

Regards,ArthurThe Google Play Team


It means, he has no information at all about what is the problem, I've trying to solve this for 2 months, our flagship game is threatened of been removed from the store and they can't even explain why, the support team can just copy and paste a generic message without any understanding of our problem and we have no other channel to ask for help.


I'm really disappointed with Google for such poor support for developers.


Hope you can solve your problem updating your APK and submitting again, otherwise you can enter on the same loop as me.


这篇关于如何解决“违反家庭政策要求"的问题在Google Playstore上的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 11:40