


I use the following code to show images from a webserver:

   <Image Source="{Binding Url}" />


The image gets automatically downloaded, and I assume there is also some caching based on the Url.


My problem is, that when the app is offline, the assumably cached images are not shown.


Is there any way to change the caching behavior, so that images are also loaded when there is no network available? Pointers to documentation regarding the caching would be very helpful as well.


的BitmapImage 自动默认缓存远程图像。它的最佳结合 CreateOptions =BackgroundCreation使用以获得最佳性能。

BitmapImage automatically caches remote images by default. It's best used in conjunction with CreateOptions="BackgroundCreation" for the best performance.

<Image Height="100" Width="100" Margin="12,0,9,0">
    <BitmapImage UriSource="{Binding ImgURL}" CreateOptions="BackgroundCreation"/>

的,老但仍相关,列出并解释所有的 CreationOptions 和缓存在多数模式下自动进行的。

This MSDN blog post, old but still relevant, lists and explains all the CreationOptions and that caching is automatic in most modes.


I use these options to display many news items with images and it works well. I can load the list of articles, exit the app and turn Flight Mode to On, then start a new instance of the app and the images still load up.



If you'd like to control the caching yourself and cache HTTPS resources then there are few good examples...

  • (可能需要更新与WP 7.5或8个工作)

  • ImgCache from the iFixit app
  • Value converter that downloads and saves images
  • PersistentImageCache from the Kawagoe Toolkit(may need updating to work with WP 7.5 or 8)


07-22 09:16