I need to retrieve data from mongoDB using Powershell.Let's say I have db.orders collection and need to retrieve only orders created during last week and retrieve only specific columns for instance _id, status, createdAt fields.
"_id": ObjectId("56cf9bab78e9fd46ec557d69"),
"status" : "ordered",
"total": 343,
"createdAt": ISODate("2016-01-15T17:29:09.342Z")
我可以像这样在mongo shell中查询它
I can query it in mongo shell like this
"createdAt" : {
$lt: new Date(),
$gte: new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate()-7))
}, {_id: 1, status: 1, createdAt: 1 })
但是我需要在Powershell中执行此操作,这是我的Powershell脚本,具有简单的查询,该脚本可以精确提取出createdAt date ..而不是日期范围
But I need to do it in Powershell, here is my Powershell script with simple query which extract exactly createdAt date.. not range of dates
$mongoDbDriverPath = "C:\mongodb\bin"
$dbName = "Orders"
$collectionName = "orders"
Add-Type -Path "$($mongoDbDriverPath)\MongoDB.Bson.dll"
Add-Type -Path "$($mongoDbDriverPath)\MongoDB.Driver.dll"
$db =[MongoDB.Driver.MongoDatabase]::Create("mongodb://localhost:27017/$($dbName)")
$collection = $db[$collectionName]
$query = [MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query]::EQ("createdAt","2016-01-15T17:29:09.342Z")
$results = $collection.find($query)
在MongoDB .NET驱动程序api中,我无法进行复杂的查询,或者至少不知道如何进行查询.我可以根据一列特定的列进行查询,但不能构成一列复杂的列,并且不能限制某些字段的输出.
In MongoDB .NET Driver api, I can't make complex query or at least don't know how.I can query according to one specific column, but not making complex one and can't limit output for some fields.
请告知是否有人知道该怎么做.注意:这不是一个.Net项目,它仅使用mongoDB .net驱动程序,而是在Powershell中执行.
Please advise if anyone knows how to.Note: it's not a .Net project, it just uses mongoDB .net driver, but executed in Powershell.
please find solution below:It is a flexible code using c# inside powershell script and latest mongo drivers (2.2.3) - so you can play with c# code as required :-)
$mongoDbDriverPath = "C:\work\mongo"
$dbName = "deser"
$collectionName = "Foo"
$Assem = ( "$($mongoDbDriverPath)\MongoDB.Bson.dll", "$($mongoDbDriverPath)\MongoDB.Driver.dll","$($mongoDbDriverPath)\MongoDB.Driver.Core.dll")
$Source = @"
namespace profesor79
using System.Collections.Generic;
using MongoDB.Bson;
using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Attributes;
using MongoDB.Driver;
public static class Executor
public static List<Foo> GetData()
var connectionString = "mongodb://localhost:27017";
var _client = new MongoClient(connectionString);
var _database = _client.GetDatabase("deser");
var cole = _database.GetCollection<Foo>("Foo");
cole.InsertOne(new Foo());
var data = cole.Find<Foo>((new BsonDocument())).ToList();
return data;
public class Foo
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, string> Bar = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "1", "text" }, { "2", "text" } };
Add-Type -ReferencedAssemblies $Assem -TypeDefinition $Source -Language CSharp