从CLion 1.5开始144.3143(2016) -01-20),您可以清除cmake缓存,而不会在不重新启动(意味着:非常快,也在巨大的项目)上
松开CLion索引和: 工具| CMake | 重置缓存并重新载入项目。
文件| 无效缓存/重新启动
$ b
- 2016-01-20:添加较新的CLion更快的方法。 >
I am currently trying to swap static libraries in one of my projects which requires swapping find_package() commands for explicit links to static libraries. One of the problems I encountered is that even after deleting find_package() commands reloading the CMake Project the old variables are still present.
Is there a way to explicitly flush the CMake cache other than manually deleting all files from the temporary folder Clion creates for building the project?
Starting with CLion 1.5 144.3143 (2016-01-20), you can clear the cmake cache without loosing the CLion indexes and without restarting (meaning: very fast, also on huge projects):
Tool | CMake | "Reset cache and reload project".
If that for some reasons is not enough, or if you have an older CLion, you can do the more radical:
File | "Invalidate Caches / Restart"
and click on "Invalidate and restart".
- 2016-01-20: add the faster method available with newer CLion.