I just heard about Apache Wink, and I was wondering what differences it had compared to Jersey or JBoss RESTEasy. What can be done in one that the other two can't?
We've been using Jersey for some of our internal projects mostly for it's simplicity, but I can't really figure out what makes these other two any better that I would consider switching. Does anyone have any use-cases for which niche each of these fills?
- 参考实施
- 通常最尖端
- 支持真正异步的(即网络插座等)通过连接或者<一个href=\"http://jfarcand.word$p$pss.com/2011/11/25/atmosphere-0-8-jersey-on-steroid-websocket-sub-protocol-native-websocket-jquery-plugin-cors-rest-over-http/\">Atmosphere或2.0版本。
- 有春季和标准注入容器(即@Inject)的支持。
- Glassfish的捆绑它。
- 它比其他的JAX-RS项目更加模块化。
- 它有一个踢屁股
- 不一定要求servlet容器。
- 灰熊支持
- Netty的支持(很早)。
- 排序失踪的OAuth 2.0。你将不得不使用其他库。
- 到Viewables
- 托管java.net(减的部位有时是非常慢)。
- 许可是基于CCDL 1.1和GPL-V2。请确保您检查新泽西许可你用它作商业用途之前,
JAX-RS Implementations
- Reference Implementation
- Usually the most cutting edge
- Supports true asynchronous (ie web sockets etc...) connections through either Atmosphere or 2.0 version.
- Has support for Spring and standard injection containers (ie @Inject).
- Glassfish bundles it.
- Its much more modular than the other JAX-RS projects.
- It has a kick ass URI Builder
- Does not necessarily require servlet container.
- Grizzly support
- Netty support (very early).
- Swagger support
- Sort of missing OAuth 2.0 . You'll have to use other libraries.
- Some MVC support through Viewables
- Hosted on java.net (a minus as the site is terribly slow at times).
- Licensing is based on CCDL 1.1 and GPL-v2. Please make sure you check Jersey licensing before you use it for commercial use
- 大部分以上,但最显着的支撑视图技术(请参见)
- 的确有asynchronous连接支持
- (如果你变成废话)
- JBoss的捆绑(我认为)
- 可以说是最好的。
- 更安全的支持,包括
- Much of the above but most notable supports view technologies (see HTMLEasy)
- It does have asynchronous connection support
- Cache support
- EJB support (if your into that crap)
- JBoss bundles it (I think)
- Netty support
- Arguably the best Spring integration (MVC handler).
- Early Swagger support
- More security support including early OAuth 2.0 support
- 我不知道为什么这个项目的存在。
- 据说其高性能的重点。
- 它建立在HttpURLConnection类(这是一个负的顶部上的客户......它应该是可插入的像Spring RestTemplate )。
- 基本上秋波在房子的一些企业公司开发,然后给了Apache。
- 需要一个servlet容器。
- 非常强大,但非常复杂
- 提供一些低级的REST支持
- 不需要一个servlet容器
- 一些有趣的WADL支持。
- 再利用,或组合JAX-RS W / JAX-WS
- 安全支持
- 集成瓦特/春尽管那种讨厌
- 客户存根咋办自动生成
- 的ActiveMQ
- - 来自Twitter
- Finagle -- from Twitter.
- msgpack-rpc
I know the OP asked for REST but if this is for internal communication seriously consider using either a message queue or some other asynchronous RPC (Finagle) instead of traditional REST if your requirements match those systems.
如果它必须是经典的HTTP REST(外部)我会选择要么 RestEasy的或新泽西作为大宗心中那份投入这两个项目。
If it must be classic HTTP REST (external) I would choose between either RestEasy or Jersey as a bulk of the mind share is put into those two projects.
这篇关于如何新泽西州,阿帕奇眨眼和JBoss RestEasy的之间进行选择?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!