我使用 Python 的 iterparse
来解析 nessus 扫描的 XML 结果(.nessus 文件).意外记录解析失败,但类似的记录已正确解析.
I use Python's iterparse
to parse the XML result of a nessus scan (.nessus file). The parsing fails on unexpected records, wile similar ones have been parsed correctly.
XML 文件的一般结构是很多记录,如下所示:
The general structure of the XML file is a lot of records like the one below:
换句话说,很多主机 (ReportHost
) 有很多要报告的项目 (ReportItem
),而后者有几个特征 (foo
In other words a lot of hosts (ReportHost
) with a lot of items to report (ReportItem
), and the latter having several characteristics (foo
, bar
). I will be looking at generating one line per item, with its characteristics.
在这种情况下是 cvss_base_score
The parsing fails in the middle of the file at a simple line (foo
in that case being cvss_base_score
虽然已经解析了大约 200 条类似的行,但没有问题.
while ~200 similar lines have been parsed without problems.
和 inReportEvent
告诉我我所在的 XML 文件的具体位置,以及根据上下文分配或打印一个值)
The relevant piece of code is below -- it sets context markers (inReportHost
and inReportEvent
which tell me where in the stricture of the XML file I am in, and either assign or print a value, depending on the context)
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
inReportHost = False
inReportItem = False
for event, elem in ET.iterparse("test2.nessus", events=("start", "end")):
if event == 'start' and elem.tag == "ReportHost":
inReportHost = True
if event == 'end' and elem.tag == "ReportHost":
inReportHost = False
if inReportHost:
if event == 'start' and elem.tag == 'ReportItem':
inReportItem = True
cvss = ''
if event == 'start' and inReportItem:
if event == 'start' and elem.tag == 'cvss_base_score':
cvss = elem.text
if event == 'end' and elem.tag == 'ReportItem':
print cvss
inReportItem = False
有时具有 None 值(在 cvss = elem.text
sometimes has the None value (after the cvss = elem.text
assignment), even though identical entries have been parsed properely earlier in the file.
If I add below the assignement something along the lines of
if cvss is None: cvss = "0"
然后解析许多进一步的 cvss
分配它们的正确值(还有一些是 None ).
then the parsing of many further cvss
assign their proper values (and some other are None).
当使用 <ReportHost>...</reportHost>
这会导致错误的解析并通过程序运行它 - 它工作正常(即.cvss
按预期分配了 9.3
When taking the <ReportHost>...</reportHost>
which causes the wrong parsing and running it through the program - it works fine (ie. cvss
is assigned 9.3
as expected).
我迷失在我的代码中出现错误的地方,因为有大量相似的记录,有些已正确处理,有些 - 未正确处理(有些记录是相同的,但处理方式仍然不同).我也找不到任何关于失败记录的具体信息 - 早晚相同的记录都可以.
I am lost at where I make a mistake in my code since, withing a large set of similar records, some apre processed correctly and some - not (some of the records are identical, and still are processed differently). I also cannot find anything particular about the records that fail - identical ones earlier and later are fine.
来自 iterparse() 文档:
注意:iterparse() 只保证它已经看到了>"字符当它发出一个开始"事件时,它的起始标签,所以属性是已定义,但 text 和 tail 属性的内容是那时未定义.这同样适用于子元素;它们可能存在也可能不存在.如果您需要一个完全填充的元素,而是寻找结束"事件.
删除 inReport*
变量并在完全解析后仅在结束"事件上处理 ReportHost.使用 ElementTree API 从当前 ReportHost 元素中获取必要的信息,例如 cvss_base_score
Drop inReport*
variables and process ReportHost only on "end" events when it fully parsed. Use ElementTree API to get necessary info such as cvss_base_score
from current ReportHost element.
To preserve memory, do:
import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
def getelements(filename_or_file, tag):
context = iter(etree.iterparse(filename_or_file, events=('start', 'end')))
_, root = next(context) # get root element
for event, elem in context:
if event == 'end' and elem.tag == tag:
yield elem
root.clear() # preserve memory
for host in getelements("test2.nessus", "ReportHost"):
for cvss_el in host.iter("cvss_base_score"):
这篇关于iterparse 无法解析字段,而其他类似的都可以的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!