本文介绍了redis python中密钥过期的通知的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我希望在我的 redis 存储中的易失性密钥过期时收到通知.redis 网站提供了一些关于如何在 http://redis.io/topics/notifications 中实现这一点的描述,但我是想知道是否可以使用 python redis api 来完成.

I would like to be notified when a volatile key expires in my redis store. The redis website provides some description of how this might be achieved in http://redis.io/topics/notifications, but I am wondering if it can be done using the python redis api.

设置后:notify-keyspace-events Ex 在我的 redis.conf 文件中

After setting:notify-keyspace-events Ex in my redis.conf file


import redis
import config

client = redis.StrictRedis.from_url(config.REDIS_URI)
client.set('a', 1)

callback() 仅在 client.expire('a',5) 被调用时被调用,但不会像预期的那样在五秒后

callback() only gets called when client.expire('a',5) gets called, but not five seconds later as expected


惊喜(当键的生存时间达到零时没有看到过期事件)与 Python 无关,而是与方式有关,Redis 正在使键过期.

The surprise (no expiration events seen when time to live for a key reaches zero) is not bound to Python, but rather to the way, Redis is expiring keys.


具有生存时间关联的键通过两种方式被 Redis 过期:

Keys with a time to live associated are expired by Redis in two ways:

  • 当通过命令访问密钥并发现密钥已过期时.
  • 通过后台系统逐步查找过期密钥,以便能够收集从未访问过的密钥.


The expired events are generated when a key is accessed and is found to be expired by one of the above systems, as a result there are no guarantees that the Redis server will be able to generate the expired event at the time the key time to live reaches the value of zero.

如果没有命令始终针对密钥,并且有许多密钥与 TTL 相关联,则密钥的生存时间降至零与生成过期事件的时间之间可能存在显着延迟.

If no command targets the key constantly, and there are many keys with a TTL associated, there can be a significant delay between the time the key time to live drops to zero, and the time the expired event is generated.


Basically expired events are generated when the Redis server deletes the key and not when the time to live theoretically reaches the value of zero.

Redis 运行时($ sudo service redis-server start)

when Redis running ($ sudo service redis-server start)


I started one console and have subscribed:

$ redis-cli
PSUBSCRIBE "__key*__:*"


Then, in another console:

$ redis-cli
> config set notify-keyspace-events AKE



Then I continued with experiments in this second console:

> set aaa aaa
> del aaa
> set aaa ex 5
> get aaa


All the activities were seen in subscribed console. Only the key expiration was sometime few seconds delayed, sometime came just in time.

另外请注意,消息之间存在细微差别,一条消息 __keyevent@0__:expire 另一条消息 __keyevent@0__:expired.

Note alse, there are subtle differences in messages, one message __keyevent@0__:expire another __keyevent@0__:expired.

import redis
import time

r = redis.StrictRedis()
pubsub = r.pubsub()
for msg in pubsub.listen():
    print time.time(), msg

此代码注册到默认 redis 中的所有现有频道并打印发布的任何内容.

This code registers to all existing channels in default redis and prints whatever gets published.


$ python spy.py


and in another console try to set a key with an expiration. You will see all the events.

用于以下 redis-cli 输入.

For following redis-cli input.

$ redis-cli> set a aha
OK> set b bebe ex 3
OK> set b bebe ex 3


1401548400.27 {'pattern': None, 'type': 'psubscribe', 'channel': '*', 'data': 1L}
1401548428.36 {'pattern': '*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': '__keyspace@0__:a', 'data': 'set'}
1401548428.36 {'pattern': '*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': '__keyevent@0__:set', 'data': 'a'}
1401548436.8 {'pattern': '*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': '__keyspace@0__:b', 'data': 'set'}
1401548436.8 {'pattern': '*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': '__keyevent@0__:set', 'data': 'b'}
1401548436.8 {'pattern': '*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': '__keyspace@0__:b', 'data': 'expire'}
1401548436.8 {'pattern': '*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': '__keyevent@0__:expire', 'data': 'b'}
1401548439.82 {'pattern': '*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': '__keyspace@0__:b', 'data': 'expired'}
1401548439.82 {'pattern': '*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': '__keyevent@0__:expired', 'data': 'b'}
1401548484.46 {'pattern': '*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': '__keyspace@0__:b', 'data': 'set'}
1401548484.46 {'pattern': '*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': '__keyevent@0__:set', 'data': 'b'}
1401548484.46 {'pattern': '*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': '__keyspace@0__:b', 'data': 'expire'}
1401548484.46 {'pattern': '*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': '__keyevent@0__:expire', 'data': 'b'}
1401548487.51 {'pattern': '*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': '__keyspace@0__:b', 'data': 'expired'}
1401548487.51 {'pattern': '*', 'type': 'pmessage', 'channel': '__keyevent@0__:expired', 'data': 'b'}

这篇关于redis python中密钥过期的通知的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 08:11