

我的 .ts 文件的一部分,使用 pylupdate4 创建,如下所示:

A part of my .ts file, created with pylupdate4, looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE TS><TS version="2.0">
        <location filename="Main.py" line="2369"/>
        <source>Translate me to Ukululu</source>
        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>


1:翻译位于 -标签之间,对吗?

1: The translation comes between the <translation>-tags, right?


2: The translation seems to need the line in the main file where the translation is to be inserted ("line=2369"). But everytime I modify the code, the lines change. Hence, do I have to create a new translation file, where I have to manually insert all the (unchanged) translations between the tags again? This seems like a crazy amount of work. Correct me if I am wrong or please explain, how it works (better)!


你说得对.原始文本位于标签 中,而译文位于标签 中.翻译完成后,属性 type="unfinished" 也将被删除.

You are right. The original text comes in the tag <source> while the translation comes in the tag <translation>. When the translation is finished the attribute type="unfinished" will also be removed.

通常您不会手动编辑 ts 文件,而是使用 QtLinguist 工具.我从不手动编辑它们,因为 QtLinguist 非常易于使用...

Usually you don't edit ts files manually but you use the QtLinguist tool. I never edit them by hand, since QtLinguist is very easy to use...


In any case, when you change the source code, you simply run

pylupdate4 your_project.pro

这将更新对 ts 文件中各行的所有引用,并保持已完成的翻译.即使您将它们移动到不同的源文件,它也可以更新翻译.

This will update all the references to the lines in the ts file, and it will keep the translation already finished. It is smart enough to update the translations even if you move them to a different source file.


You can get further information here





09-05 00:40