




I dont know if this should be posted here or on another stack community so please let me know if its wrong posting it here.

如何获取本地邮件(即在我的笔记本电脑上)与我运行的DO液滴(Ubuntu 14.04-LAMP等)相同的VM?

How do I get a local (i.e. on my laptop) VM that is identical to my DO droplet (Ubuntu 14.04 - LAMP etc) running?


Does DO provide a provisioner for Vagrant that can replicate the setup of a DO droplet?


It's handy being able to develop on my machine, instead of on a Droplet in the cloud.




I am planning on using Packer to build properly provisioned images for each of my servers. I would then utilize Vagrant to test my environment locally in VirtualBox prior to blessing the image for use in integration, stage, and production environments.


While reading the Packer - Getting Started for Vagrant Boxes tutorial I noticed this line:


This appears to have been on the documentation for some time now so who knows when "soon" will be, but I haven't found any official information on this yet.


I later came across this blog post that discusses two possible ways to work around this limitation.

  1. 手动

  2. 只需简单地模拟数字海洋环境并从类似的基础映像中进行工作即可解决


I read through the instructions for (1) and it does sound legitimate although it is a rather time consuming and error prone endeavor. It sounds like emulating the setup is the best bet for now.



I haven't tested it yet and the last update was from several years ago, but it sounds like this blog post and referenced git repo may be a good start. It still doesn't seem to be actually building the image from the DO image, but it is a pretty good example of (2) above by closely emulating.

包装商的无所事事的后处理程序似乎表明它 CAN 从DigitalOcean图像创建一个无聊的盒子。如果这是真的,那么一个完美的理智的流程就是使用来构建一个从DO到测试的预配置的无用信息框同时在验证后构建DO映像以在集成/阶段上旋转(在集成/阶段),使其按本地VM中的通告运行。然后,您可以在其余的生活环境中推广DO图像。

Oddly enough the documentation for Packer's Vagrant post-processor seems to indicate that it CAN create a vagrant box from a DigitalOcean image. If this is true then a perfectly sane flow would be to use Packer to build a provisioned vagrant box from DO to test at the same time building a DO image to spin up (on integration/stage) after verification it works as advertised in VM locally. Then you can promote the DO image through the rest of your live environments.


07-22 08:32