


The production environment is now LAMP,

我不知道是否有可能担任的 ASP 在它的请求。

I don't know whether it's possible to serve asp requests on it.



Same as a previous question: The answer is a big "it depends".


Sun公司(有?)一出叫的SunOne ASP的产品 - 虽然产品换了个名字这么多次我不能说它到底是什么其他的比原来的ASP ChiliSoft的产品买和由Sun重新命名为

Are you talking about Classic ASP?
Sun has (had?) a product out called "SunOne ASP" - though the product changed names so many times I couldn't say what it really is other than the original ChiliSoft ASP product bought and re-named by Sun.

总之,上述产品将允许你在* nix服务器上运行ClassicASP / VBScript中code,并在大多数情况下将运行得很好。这是一个有点fussier对某些事情,并且有没有工作完全正确的某些事情,但如果你是在做它一意孤行,你可以使它发挥作用。说了这么多,我觉得我读的地方,该项目已经停产了。因此它可能不再提供

Anyway, the aforementioned product would allow you to run ClassicASP/VBScript code on a *nix server, and for the most part would run it well. It was a little fussier about certain things, and there were certain things that didn't work quite right, but if you were hell-bent on doing it you could make it work. Having said all that, I think I read somewhere that the project was discontinued. So it may not be available anymore.


There's also an Apache:ASP module that (in my experience) only works with code written with it in mind. If you're trying to port an application from a Windows server, its one of those "split your risk" options.



Are you talking about ASP.NET?
If this is the case, you've got a better chance... the aforementioned Mono Project would be your best bet. Its come a long way since I last looked at it, but having not had to set anything up with it I really can't speak to how good/bad it is.



All things being equal...
All things being equal, I would really say that if you're going to use an MS programming language, run it on an MS server. It may cost a little extra, but it will probably save you more headaches in the long run.


08-28 01:55