

如何使用 VBscript 在 Windows XP base 中关闭具有特定标题的窗口?

How can I close a window with a specific title in Windows XP base using VBscript?


Or is there another way to solve this problem?


您可以使用 SendKeys 方法将 + 快捷方式发送到您要关闭的窗口.此窗口目前必须处于活动状态,因此您还需要调用 AppActivate 就在 SendKeys 之前.

You can use the SendKeys method to send the + shortcut to the window you wish to close. This window must be active at the moment, so you also need to call AppActivate right before SendKeys.


Basically, you'll need something like this:

Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
oShell.AppActivate "Untitled - Notepad"
oShell.SendKeys "%{F4}"


You may want to add checks and small delays to make your script more foolproof:

Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
If oShell.AppActivate("Untitled - Notepad") Then
   WScript.Sleep 500
   oShell.SendKeys "%{F4}"
End If

(回答您关于 VBScript 资源的评论/问题.)

(An answer to your comment/question about VBScript resources.)

我整理了一些指向 VBScript 网站和资源页面的链接,希望它们对您有所帮助:

I've compiled some links to VBScript websites and resource pages that I hope they will be helpful:


  • Scripting: Your First Steps
  • Sesame Script (CHM download)
  • VBScript Tutorial on W3Schools (note: this tutorial is oriented on browser scripting, not desktop scripting)



  • TechNet Script Center (CHM download)
  • TechNet Script Repository (CHM download)
  • Hey, Scripting Guy! blog (CHM arvhive)
  • Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages
  • Also, check out VBScript questions here on Stack Overflow

至于俄语的 VBScript 资源,请查看 script-coding.infoСерый форум —有很多有用和有趣的例子.另外,请查看此线程,其中包含指向许多 VBScript 资源,包括俄语资源.

As for VBScript resources in Russian, check out script-coding.info and Серый форум — there're lots of useful and interesting examples. Also, take a look at the this thread, which contains links to many VBScript resources, including those in Russian.


09-03 14:33