



As it is, I tried error-proofing my code and ended up making it look quite messy.


I have a function set up to read a certain type of file. I want the function to return false if there was a problem, or true if everything worked. I'm having trouble figuring out how to structure everything.

我有试图打开一个文件流的初始try-catch块。 ,虽然以后,我有一定的偏移某些其他检查在阅读过程中,我做出这样的文件大小和值。我设置它的方式是,如果与else语句。如:

I have an initial try-catch block that tries to open a file stream. After that though, I have certain other checks I make during the reading process such as file size and values at certain offsets. The way I set it up was with if else statements. Such as:


    MessageBox.Show("There was an error");
    return false;

... BR是二进制阅读器和FS的文件流。有很多这样的块,好像不好的做法来写同样的事情,这么多次。我所想到的第一件事就是来包装整个事情在一个try-catch语句和投掷,而不是使用的if else块例外。我记得读过有关的try-catch语句,它的好,有他们,而不是与他们包装的一切。说实话,我还是不完全理解为什么它会是不好的做法来包装的try catch语句的一切,因为他们只有当有一个错误,在这种情况下,程序会南反正效果...

...br being the binary reader and fs the filestream. There are many blocks like this, and it seems like bad practice to write the same thing so many times. The first thing that comes to mind is to wrap the entire thing in a try-catch statement and throw exceptions instead of using the if else blocks. I remember when reading about try-catch statements that it's good to have them, but not to wrap everything with them. To be honest, I still don't completely understand why it would be bad practice to wrap everything in try catch statements, as they only have an effect when there's an error, in which case the program is going south anyway...


Also, do I have to close the binary reader and file stream, or will closing one close the other? Is there any way to use them without having to dispose of them?


如何利用的使用关键字?这包您一试使用的的IDisposable - finally块;

How about making use of the using keyword? this wraps your use of an IDisposable in a try - finally block;

bool success = true;

using(var fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create)))
using(var br = new BinaryReader(fs))
  // do something
  success = result;

return success;


The nested using blocks will ensure that both the filestream and binary reader are always properly closed and disposed.

您可以阅读。它使得使用的IDisposable 有点整洁,消除了明确的错误时抛出处理的需要。

You can read more about using in MSDN. It makes the use of IDisposable a little neater, removing the need for explicit excpetion handling.




I always use the simple rule that if I cannot handle and recover from an exception within a particular block of code, don't try to catch it. Allow the exception to 'bubble up' the stack to a point where it makes more sense to catch it. With this approach you will find that you do not need to add many try-catch blocks, you will tend to use them at the point of integration with services (such as filesystem, network etc ...) but your business logic is almost always free of exception handling mechanisms.



09-07 02:23