标题差不多:可以基于 type_info
Pretty much the title: Can objects be created based on type_info
? The purpose of this would be to defer the creation of objects. For instance, here's the original "undeferred" code:
Foo* a = new Foo();
Bar* b = new Bar();
// Store type indices into a vector
std::vector<std::type_index> types;
// Iterate through vector, create objects? Is it possible?
如果这不可能,还有其他方法可以推迟对象的构造吗? / p>
If this is not possible, is there any other way to "defer" the construction of objects?
在c ++中,没有等效于基于运行时已知类型创建对象的方法。诸如C#和Java之类的语言之所以能够做到这一点,恰恰是因为它们具有广泛的反射支持,而这在c ++中是最为缺乏的。
In c++ there is no equivalent of creating objects based on runtime-known types. Languages such as C# and Java can do this precisely because of their extensive reflection support, which is mostly lacking in c++.
所有这一切的一个有趣的副作用是c ++开发人员永远无法滑入反映一切的诱人领域。由于基于反射的开发非常方便,因此使用C#和Java构建的企业应用程序中的许多核心功能都围绕反射。我特别想到的是OR / M软件和库,例如AutoMapper for C#,它们大量使用了反射,以至于使用它们的应用程序的整体性能受到严重影响(从个人经验来看)。
One interesting side effect of all this is that c++ developers are never able to slide into the tempting area of reflecting everything. Because of the sheer convenience of reflection-based development lots of core functionality in enterprise applications built with C# and Java revolves around reflection. I'm thinking in particular of OR/M software and libraries such as AutoMapper for C# which make such extensive use of reflection that the overall performance of applications that use them suffers significantly (speaking from personal experience). It is actually refreshing to me to be prevented from that in c++.
The good news is that plugin architectures are very possible using a double inversion of control architecture. Following is a very simple example showing how a separate dll or so could dynamically register types using basic polymorphism.
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <iostream>
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Host application
class Vehicle
virtual ~Vehicle() {} // Allow proper inheritance
virtual void Start() = 0; // Start the vehicle
class VehicleFactory
virtual ~VehicleFactory() {} // Allow proper inheritance
virtual Vehicle* Create() = 0;
class VehicleTypeFactory
void RegisterFactory(std::string vehicleType, VehicleFactory* vehicleFactory)
_factories.insert(std::pair<std::string, VehicleFactory*>(vehicleType, vehicleFactory));
Vehicle* Create(std::string vehicleType)
return _factories.at(vehicleType)->Create();
std::list<std::string> GetTypes()
std::list<std::string> result;
for(auto& item: _factories)
return result;
std::unordered_map<std::string, VehicleFactory*> _factories;
class Tractor: public Vehicle
virtual void Start()
std::cout << "Starting Tractor..." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Turning on hydraulics..." << std::endl;
class TractorFactory: public VehicleFactory
virtual Vehicle* Create()
return new Tractor();
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Plugin library (.dll, .so)
// plugin introduces brand new type of vehicle
class Limousine: public Vehicle
virtual void Start()
std::cout << "Starting Limousine..." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Turning on limo accessories..." << std::endl;
class LimousineFactory: public VehicleFactory
virtual Vehicle* Create()
return new Limousine();
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Host startup: register tractor factory
int main()
VehicleTypeFactory vehicleTypeFactory;
TractorFactory tractorFactory;
vehicleTypeFactory.RegisterFactory("tractor", &tractorFactory);
// ... load plugin(s) which will register other types of factories
// (
LimousineFactory limousineFactory;
vehicleTypeFactory.RegisterFactory("limousine", &limousineFactory);
// )
// Now create one of each type of vehicle
// and tell it to start itself
for(auto& vehicleType: vehicleTypeFactory.GetTypes())
auto vehicle = vehicleTypeFactory.Create(vehicleType);
return 0;
Starting Limousine...
Turning on limo accessories...
Starting Tractor...
Turning on hydraulics...