字符消息[10] [2] [50];
01 {{50 chars},{50 chars}}
02 {{50 chars}, {50个字符}}
09 {{50个字符},{50个字符}}
10 {{50个字符},{50个字符}}
strcpy(message ???, Message 1 Part 1);
strcpy(message ???, m1 p2);
strcpy(message ???, m2 p1);
strcpy(message ???, m2 p2);
strcpy(message ???, m3 p1);
strcpy(message ???, m3 p1);
int i;
for(i = 0; i< 10; i ++)
printf(%s,%s\n,message ???,message ???);
01 {{消息1第1部分\0&},{ m1 p2\0&}}
02 {{ m2 p1\0&},{ " m2 p2\0"}}
01 {{ m3 p1\0"},{ m3 p2\0"}}
编辑:我添加了Tommi Kyntola替代品,而我在评论中正在谈论
#include< stdio.h>
#include< string.h>
#define sstrcpy(buf,src,size)strncpy(buf,src,size); if(strlen(src)> = size)buf [size-1] =‘\0’;
int main(void){
char messages [MSGLIMIT] [MSGFIELDS] [MSGLENGTH] = {{ bla, raa},
{ foo, bar }
int i;
char * name1 = name16789012345678901234567890;
char * text1 = text16789012345678901234567890;
char * name2 = name26789012345678901234567890;
char * text2 = text26789012345678901234567890;
char * name3 = name36789012345678901234567890;
char * text3 = text36789012345678901234567890;
strncpy(messages [2] [MSGNAME],name1,MSGLENGTH); // 2,因为它是下一个空的
strncpy(messages [2] [MSGTEXT],text1,MSGLENGTH);
// Tommi Kyntola建议的替代方案
// printf家族比strncpy
//复杂得多,因此花费了更多的CPU时间,但是在任何有字符串的地方它都是快速简便的。 h并且在大多数情况下都很好
snprintf(messages [3] [MSGNAME],MSGLENGTH,%s,name2);
snprintf(messages [3] [MSGTEXT],MSGLENGTH,%s,text2);
//将最后一个字符设置为\0 //否则不是由strncpy设置的,虽然增加了一些权重但还是更好选项
sstrcpy(messages [4] [MSGNAME],name3,MSGLENGTH);
sstrcpy(messages [4] [MSGTEXT],text3,MSGLENGTH);
for(i = 0; i< 5; i ++)// 5,因为这是我填充了
printf(%s:%s\ n,消息[i] [MSGNAME],消息[i] [MSGTEXT]);
Say I have an array
char messages[10][2][50];
What is the correct syntax for strcpy, in order to get the data into one of the strings (inner most char array of size 50) and then the corresponding convention to supply it to printf via %s?
For that matter, am I declaring the array subscripts in the correct order? It is intended to be 10 lots of, pairs (of 2) strings. Each string being 50 chars wide.
01{{50 chars},{50 chars}}
02{{50 chars},{50 chars}}
09{{50 chars},{50 chars}}
10{{50 chars},{50 chars}}
Various internet sources seem to conflict on which subscript to omit and, whatever I try seems to produce unintended results.
e.g. Could you fill in the blanks to the following
strcpy(message???, "Message 1 Part 1");
strcpy(message???, "m1 p2");
strcpy(message???, "m2 p1");
strcpy(message???, "m2 p2");
strcpy(message???, "m3 p1");
strcpy(message???, "m3 p1");
//So on...
int i;
printf("%s, %s\n", message???, message???);
Such that the array has a structure of and holds:
01{{"Message 1 Part 1\0"},{"m1 p2\0"}}
02{{"m2 p1\0"},{"m2 p2\0"}}
01{{"m3 p1\0"},{"m3 p2\0"}}
//So on...
And outputs as such
I just wrote a quick program to show the things you've asked about... loading them up at declaration, strncpy into one of them, and then printing them out.
Hope it helps
edit: I kind of hate magic numbers so I almost totally removed them
edit: I've added alternatives Tommi Kyntola and I were talking about in the comments
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// safe string copy macro, terminates string at end if necessary
// note: could probably just set the last char to \0 in all cases
// safely if intending to just cut off the end of the string like this
#define sstrcpy(buf, src, size) strncpy(buf, src, size); if(strlen(src) >= size) buf[size-1] = '\0';
#define MSGLIMIT 10
#define MSGLENGTH 30
#define MSGFIELDS 2
#define MSGNAME 0
#define MSGTEXT 1
int main(void) {
char messages[MSGLIMIT][MSGFIELDS][MSGLENGTH] = { {"bla", "raa"},
{"foo", "bar"}
int i;
char *name1 = "name16789012345678901234567890";
char *text1 = "text16789012345678901234567890";
char *name2 = "name26789012345678901234567890";
char *text2 = "text26789012345678901234567890";
char *name3 = "name36789012345678901234567890";
char *text3 = "text36789012345678901234567890";
// doesn't set last char to \0 because str overruns buffer
// undocumented result of running this, but likely to just get the name2 string
// as that'll be the very next thing in memory on most systems
strncpy(messages[2][MSGNAME], name1, MSGLENGTH); // 2 because it's the next empty one
strncpy(messages[2][MSGTEXT], text1, MSGLENGTH);
// alternative suggested by Tommi Kyntola
// printf family are more complicated and so cost more cpu time than strncpy
// but it's quick and easy anywhere you have string.h and fine most of the time
snprintf(messages[3][MSGNAME], MSGLENGTH, "%s", name2);
snprintf(messages[3][MSGTEXT], MSGLENGTH, "%s", text2);
// uses the define macro at the top of the page to set the last char to \0 if
// otherwise not set by strncpy, adds a little weight but still the better option
// if performance of this section of code is important
sstrcpy(messages[4][MSGNAME], name3, MSGLENGTH);
sstrcpy(messages[4][MSGTEXT], text3, MSGLENGTH);
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) // 5 because that's how many I've populated
printf("%s : %s\n", messages[i][MSGNAME], messages[i][MSGTEXT]);
return 0;