我正在尝试从其他应用程序(例如邮件)导入 PDF 文件,但我不确定我应该寻找什么.我希望我的用户能够点击 PDF 中的共享按钮,并将我的应用列为可以接受它们的位置,例如复制到 iBooks"
I am trying to import a PDF file from other applications, such as mail, but I'm not sure exactly what I should be looking for. I want my user to be able to tap on the share button in a PDF and my app to be listed there as a place that can accept them, such as "Copy to iBooks"
Any good tutorials? Or suggestions as to what I should look for?
最好在 Swift 中
Preferably in Swift
您可以使用 Action Extension 使 PDF 在您的应用中可用
You may use Action Extension for making PDF available in your app
Below i have linked Some Tutorials for Action Extension which is not perfect for your requirement but you check the concept and basic implementation for it
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