我正在尝试开发一个系统,可以将我的字符串更改为唯一的整数值,这意味着例如单词account"的加密数值为 0891,并且没有其他单词可以通过以下方式转换为 0891相同的转换过程,它不是但是需要能够将生成的整数转换回字符串.
I'm trying to develop a system that can change my string into a unique integral value, meaning say for example the word "account" has an encrypted numerical value of 0891 and no other word can possibly be converted to 0891 with the same conversion process, it does not however need to be able to be converted back the generated integer to string.
同时会依赖词的结构规则,意思是accuracy"和announcement"等词的生成数大于0891,a"、abacus"、abbreviation"等词的生成数会大于0891" 将生成小于 0891 的数字.
At the same time it will be dependent on the word structure rules, meaning words such as "accuracy" and "announcement" will have a generated number greater than 0891 and words such as "a", "abacus" and "abbreviation" will have a generated number less than 0891.
The purpose of this application is to serve similar to an index or primary key. The reason why I'm not using an increment index is for security purposes and is due to the indexes dependency to the number of data in the set
[0] A, [1] B, [2] C, [3] D, [4] E, [5] F
The above letters has each corresponding index, E has the index of 4
However if the data is suddenly increased or decreased then sorted
[0] A, [1] AA, [2] AAB, [3] C, [4] D, [5] DA, [6] DZ, [7] E, [8] F
E 现在的索引为 7
Each word must have a unique independent integral equivalent and has the corresponding weights.
I need to know if there exist an algorithm that can do the above.
This is not possible with the constraints you have given, unless you impose a maximum length.
假设 k("a")
和 k("b")
Assume that k("a")
and k("b")
are the codes of these two strings.
根据您的限制,您正在寻找一个介于这两个值之间的唯一整数,但是 k("a") .由于有无数个
(和 "akjhdsfkjhs"
)样式的字符串需要适合这两个代码,例如保持顺序 对于任意长度的字符串,不能存在通用的、唯一的、固定长度的代码.因为您将需要与字符串一样多的整数,而且由于字符串不受长度的限制,所以这是行不通的.
With your constraints, you are looking for a unique integer number that falls inbetween these two values, but
k("a") < k("a....a") < k("b")
. As there is an infinite number of strings of style "a....a"
(and "akjhdsfkjhs"
) that would need to fit inbetween the two codes, such an order preserving general, unique, fixed-length code cannot exist for strings of arbitrary length. Because you would need as many integers as strings, and since strings are not bounded by length this cannot work.
删除通用(因此不允许插入新字符串)、唯一(允许冲突 - 例如使用前四个字母作为代码!)、无限长度(例如 3 个字符)或顺序保留属性.
Drop either general (so don't allow inserting new strings), unique (allow collissions - e.g. use the first four letters as code!), the unbounded length (to e.g. 3 characters) or the order-preserving property.