


The Java memory model guarantees a happens-before relationship between an object's construction and finalizer:


As well as the constructor and the initialization of final fields:


There's also a guarantee about volatile fields since, there's a happens-before relations with regard to all access to such fields:


But what about regular, good old non-volatile fields? I've seen a lot of multi-threaded code that doesn't bother creating any sort of memory barrier after object construction with non-volatile fields. But I've never seen or heard of any issues because of it and I wasn't able to recreate such partial construction myself.


Do modern JVMs just put memory barriers after construction? Avoid reordering around construction? Or was I just lucky? If it's the latter, is it possible to write code that reproduces partial construction at will?


To clarify, I'm talking about the following situation. Say we have a class:

public class Foo{
    public int bar = 0;

    public Foo(){
        this.bar = 5;


And some Thread T1 instantiates a new Foo instance:

Foo myFoo = new Foo();


Then passes the instance to some other thread, which we'll call T2:

Thread t = new Thread(() -> {
     if (myFoo.bar == 5){


T1 performed two writes that are interesting to us:

  1. T1将值5写入新实例化的myFoo
  2. bar
  3. T1将对新创建对象的引用写到myFoo变量
  1. T1 wrote the value 5 to bar of the newly instantiated myFoo
  2. T1 wrote the reference to the newly created object to the myFoo variable

对于T1,我们得到一个保证写入#1 发生之前写入#2:

For T1, we get a guarantee that write #1 happened-before write #2:


But as far as T2 is concerned the Java memory model offers no such guarantee. Nothing prevents it from seeing the writes in the opposite order. So it could see a fully built Foo object, but with the bar field equal to equal to 0.



I took a second look at the example above a few months after writing it. And that code is actually guaranteed to work correctly since T2 was started after T1's writes. That makes it an incorrect example for the question I wanted to ask. The fix it to assume that T2 is already running when T1 is performing the write. Say T2 is reading myFoo in a loop, like so:

Foo myFoo = null;
Thread t2 = new Thread(() -> {
     for (;;) {
         if (myFoo != null && myFoo.bar == 5){
myFoo = new Foo(); //The creation of Foo happens after t2 is already running


以您的示例作为问题本身-答案是,这是完全可能的.就像您引用的那样,初始化的字段仅对构造线程可见( ).这称为安全出版物(但我敢打赌,您已经对此有所了解).

Taking your example as the question itself - the answer would be yes, that is entirely possible. The initialized fields are visible only to the constructing thread, like you quoted. This is called safe publication (but I bet you already knew about this).

您没有通过实验看到的事实是x86上的AFAIK(是一种强大的内存模型),存储仍然重新排序,因此,除非JIT会对这些存储重新排序T1做到的-您看不到.但这真是火上浇油,这问题及其后续操作(几乎相同) 1200万设备

The fact that you are not seeing that via experimentation is that AFAIK on x86 (being a strong memory model), stores are not re-ordered anyway, so unless JIT would re-ordered those stores that T1 did - you can't see that. But that is playing with fire, literately, this question and the follow-up (it's close to the same) here of a guy that (not sure if true) lost 12 milion of equipment


The JLS guarantees only a few ways to achieve the visibility. And it's not the other way around btw, the JLS will not say when this would break, it will say when it will work.



Notice how the example shows that each field has to be final - even if under the current implementation a single one would suffice, and there are two memory barriers inserted (when final(s) are used) after the constructor: LoadStore and StoreStore.


2) volatile fields (and implicitly AtomicXXX); I think this one does not need any explanations and it seems you quoted this.


3) Static initializers well, kind of should be obvious IMO


4) Some locking involved - this should be obvious too, happens-before rule...


08-03 21:48