I've got a method that uses ADODB to execute a sproc and read the results as a recordset. Everything was working fine until i changed one of the output fields from varchar(2000) to varchar(max) (SQL2008). Now I can't read the data from that field. The strange thing is that the data is visible in the debugger immediately after running the Execute, but stepping in the debugger makes the data vanish.
Public Function sproc_RptEAComment(ByVal accountName As String, ByVal contractName As String,
ByVal acctType As String, ByVal asOfDate As DateTime,
ByVal sessionID As String, ByVal clin As String,
ByVal dollarDisplay As String) As List(Of sproc_RptEAComment_Row) Implements ISprocRepository.sproc_RptEAComment
Dim cmd = New Command()
cmd.ActiveConnection = Connection
cmd.CommandType = CommandTypeEnum.adCmdStoredProc
cmd.CommandText = "sproc_RptEAComment"
ADOUtilities.AddParamToSproc(cmd, "@ChargeNum", accountName)
ADOUtilities.AddParamToSproc(cmd, "@Contract", contractName)
ADOUtilities.AddParamToSproc(cmd, "@EmployeeName", "")
ADOUtilities.AddParamToSproc(cmd, "@Org", acctType)
ADOUtilities.AddParamToSproc(cmd, "@HoursVal", "TRUE")
ADOUtilities.AddParamToSproc(cmd, "@Sort", "1")
ADOUtilities.AddParamToSproc(cmd, "@Employer", "")
ADOUtilities.AddParamToSproc(cmd, "@Type", "1")
ADOUtilities.AddParamToSproc(cmd, "@FromD", asOfDate.ToShortDateString())
ADOUtilities.AddParamToSproc(cmd, "@ToD", asOfDate.AddMonths(-5).ToShortDateString())
ADOUtilities.AddParamToSproc(cmd, "@SessionID", sessionID)
ADOUtilities.AddParamToSproc(cmd, "@Clin", clin)
ADOUtilities.AddParamToSproc(cmd, "@RptDisplay", "")
ADOUtilities.AddParamToSproc(cmd, "@Parm_DT", dollarDisplay)
Dim lst = New List(Of sproc_RptEAComment_Row)
Dim rs = cmd.Execute()
While Not (rs.EOF)
Dim newEntity = New sproc_RptEAComment_Row(rs)
End While
Return lst
Catch ex As Exception
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function
If I look in the debugger immediately after the Execute I see this. Note the field EacJustCom has the proper string value:
我在调试器中迈了一步,看到了这一点。价值不复存在。请注意,字段 _Account仍然完整(定义为varchar(100)):
I take one step in the debugger and see this. THe value is gone. Note the field "_Account" is still intact (it's defined as varchar(100)):
I never found the answer to the problem, but did find a workaround. If I create the recordset first and fill it from the command, it works.
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset()
rs.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient
rs.CursorType = ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenForwardOnly
rs.LockType = ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockBatchOptimistic
rs.StayInSync = False
rs.ActiveConnection = Nothing
Dim lst = New List(Of sproc_RptEAComment_Row)
While Not (rs.EOF)
Dim newEntity = New sproc_RptEAComment_Row(rs)
End While
Return lst