I'm trying to use adodb to query excel files. But some files have nonstandard sheet/column name.
strQry = "select * from [ sheet1$A1:A50]"
I got an error saying "Invalid bracketing of name". How do I run query on sheet that has an extra space in its name? These are raw files from clients so I don't want to change the name or anything.
Also, I have another problem regarding the column.
strQry2 = "select [column\rA] from [sheet1$E1:E122]"
"\r" is a line break. I got an error "No value given for one or more required parameters."
Any advice on how to deal with these issues?
Sheet 1
工作正常,但我的工作表命名为 Sheet1
( sheet1之前的多余空格。
Sheet 1
works fine but the sheet I have is named something like Sheet1
(extra space before sheet1.
某些列标题有换行符列名中的/ carriage return,例如 column& vbcrlf& name。是否可以查询这些?
Some of the column headers have a line break/carriage return within column name, like "column" & vbcrlf & "name". Is there a way to query these?
如果 Sheet 1
在Sheet和1 use之间有一个空格,则空间会一直
As far as the space goes if Sheet 1
has a space between Sheet and 1 use
从[Sheet 1 $ A1:A50]中选择*
如果<$前面有空格c $ c> sheet 1 又名 Chr(32)& Sheet 1
,那么就不可能使用<$ c从该表中选择任何内容$ c> []语法
If there is a space in front of the sheet 1
aka. Chr(32) & Sheet 1
then it's impossible to select anything from that sheet using the [] syntax
但是,如果您不想更改原始名称您可以创建的电子表格为要从中提取数据的范围指定一个临时 命名范围。
however, if you don't want to change the original name of the spreadsheet you can create a temporary named range for the Range you want to pull the data from.
' add a temporary name
ThisWorkbook.Names.Add name:="tmp", RefersTo:=Sheets(" Sheet 1").Range("A1:C4")
' create your sql including the named range
sql = "SELECT * FROM tmp"
' open recordset
rs.Open sql, cn, adOpenUnspecified, adLockUnspecified
' remove the temporary name
' copy rs to spreadsheet
ActiveSheet.Range("F2").CopyFromRecordset rs
The second question I don't understand so can you elaborate and I will update the answer?