本文介绍了msAccess VBA 中的 msGraph API - Planner 计划凭据问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我对 MS Graph 和 Office 365 非常陌生,并且取得了不错的进展.我是我的组织(一所学校)的 O365 全球管理员,并且有应用程序开发经验.在我们的上下文中使用 MS-Access 数据库来全局"管理 O365 内容有很大的范围.例如联系人、分发列表和计划任务.我们希望从一个或两个本地 ms-access 数据库中管理这些,并且最好由管理员验证 ms-graph 活动.

I am very new to MS Graph and Office 365 and have made good progress. I am an O365 Global Admin for my organisation (a school) and have app development experience. There is a lot of scope for using MS-Access databases in our context for "globally" managing the O365 content. eg contacts, distribution lists and planner tasks. We want to manage these from an on-premises ms-access database or two and with an admin person authenticating the ms-graph activity, ideally.

因此,为了进行测试,我创建了一个新数据库,并设法让它使用 VBA 使用以下端点,但目前没有用户身份验证.

So, to test, I created a new db and have managed to get it to consume the following endpoint using VBA but with no user authentication for now.



https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/planner/plans/with my plan id here

我得到 401 - Unauthorized: 由于凭据无效,访问被拒绝.


So, clearly my Application registration is wrong or my authentication or both! I have spent hours searching for examples and help and because of the evolving nature of the ecosystem I am finding it pretty hard to work out what I should do now (as opposed to a year or two ago).

生成允许我访问组的 access_token 的授权是:

The authorisation that generates the access_token that works to allow me access to the groups is:

https://login.microsoftonline.com/{my tenant id here}/oauth2/token

client_id={my client id}
client_secret={my url encoded secret}  resource=https://graph.microsoft.com

但对计划任务使用相同的 access_token 会引发 401 错误.

but using that same access_token for the planner tasks throws the 401 error.

我的应用权限如下所示:我认为这是因为 Application 和 Delegated 类型之间的差异,但还没有完全掌握.而且,我怀疑我无论如何都使用了错误的身份验证流程.:-(

My app permissions look like this:I presume this is because of the difference between the Application and Delegated types but have not fully grasped it all yet. And, I suspect I am using the wrong authentication flow anyway. :-(

所以,我的问题是:1. 我的权限看起来正确吗?2. 我的认证流程是否正确?我应该改用这些吗?即我是否一直在使用旧信息?

So, my questions are:1. Do my permissions look right?2. Is my authentication flow correct? Should I be using these instead? ie have I been working from old information?

https://login.microsoftonline.com/{my tenant id here}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
https://login.microsoftonline.com/{my tenant id here}/oauth2/v2.0/token


As you can tell I have become somewhat confused. If anyone can point me in the right overall direction given what I am attempting that would be so helpful.




是的,毫无疑问,您的 azure 门户权限似乎没问题.您需要专门的权限,还需要授予管理员同意,您已在屏幕截图上完美显示.

Yeah undoubtedly, your azure portal permission seems alright. You need dedicated permission for that also need to grant admin consent which you have done perfectly shown on screen shot.


当您使用 Client Credentials Grant Flow 请求格式似乎没问题.但我怀疑此流程是否适合您尝试调用的 API.因为这个 API 需要专门的权限.

As you are using Client Credentials Grant Flow request format seems alright. But I doubt this flow is suitable for the API you are trying to call. because this API requires dedicated permission.


由于此 API 需要专用权限,您可以使用 授权码授予流程.

Since this API need dedicated permission you could use authorization code grant flow.




使用您的代码请求令牌 oauth2/V2.0/token:

请求 URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/V2.0/tokenhttps://login.microsoftonline.com/YourTenant.onmicrosoft.com/oauth2/V2.0/token

方法: POST


code: Paste Code Here


您可以在 https://jwt.io/ 上解码您的令牌,并确保您已获得所需的权限你的天蓝色门户.

You could decode your token on https://jwt.io/ and make sure you have required permission on your azure portal.



No, Information has no issue so far I have gone through.


Note: For for details implementation of Authorization Code grant flow you could take a look official docs

这篇关于msAccess VBA 中的 msGraph API - Planner 计划凭据问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 07:49