Recently i installed Fluent
我有两个项目-一个MVC和另一个Web Api项目.两者都有名为交易"控制器的相同控制器.流畅安装后,我遇到了Web API请求无法找到任何DealsController的问题.
I have two projects - one MVC and other Web Api project. Both have same controller named as Deals controller. After fluent installation, i got problem that web api request is not able to locate any DealsController.
在MVC的Gloabal asax- Application_Start方法中:
In MVC's Gloabal asax- Application_Start method:
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
这两个语句分别注册了mvc和web api的路由.
Both these statements registers the routes for mvc and web api respectively.
我有DealsController,在两个项目(MVC和Web Api)中都使用相同的名称.
I have DealsController, which is located with the same name in both the projects (MVC and Web Api).
This is MVC's DealsController:
public class DealsController : System.Web.Mvc.Controller
public DealsController()
这是Web Apis Deals控制器:
This is Web Apis Deals controller:
public class DealsController : System.Web.Http.ApiController
public DealsController()
public IHttpActionResult GetDeals([FromUri] CompanyName.Entity.Deals.Filters filter)
当我点击此Web api的方法时,从nuget发布fluentvalidation.webapi安装: http://localhost/api/advantage/getDeals/?cityId = 2& sc = 0& so = 1& pn = 1
Post fluentvalidation.webapi installation from nuget, when i am hitting this web api's method:http://localhost/api/advantage/getDeals/?cityId=2&sc=0&so=1&pn=1
消息":未找到与请求URI匹配的HTTP资源' http://localhost/api/advantage/getDeals/?cityId = 2& sc = 0& so = 1& pn = 1 '.",
"Message": "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost/api/advantage/getDeals/?cityId=2&sc=0&so=1&pn=1'.",
"MessageDetail": "No type was found that matches the controller named 'advantage'."
我不知道在安装Fluent验证Web API软件包后究竟发生了什么.我刚刚安装了fluentvalidation.webapi软件包,该软件包给了我一些与cors相关的错误,所以我进一步安装了Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors.
I dont know what exactly is happening post installation of fluent validation web api package. I just installed fluentvalidation.webapi package which gave me some cors related error, so i further installed Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors.
如果我将我的Web api控制器(dealscontroller)重命名为其他名称,则它工作正常.
If i am renaming My web api controller (dealscontroller) to some other name, it is working fine.
But i don't understand what is exactly happening here and what other risk this update of fluentvalidation.webapi can have in my solution and other apis.
或其他Web API库(尽管这不应该发生).如果不是,则此Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors
I think when you are installing FluentValidation.WebAPI
it is upgrading the Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi
or other Web API libraries (although that shouldn't happen). If not this Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors
will definitely change the version (if you are not on the latest version).
因此,您需要确保MVC项目和类库中的Web API库版本相同.
So you need to make sure the version of Web API libraries is same in both MVC project and class library.