

我目前正在编写一个更改一些网络配置文件的 Python 应用程序.该应用程序需要在Ubuntu 10.04到13.10上运行.问题是,NetworkManager在不同版本上的损坏方式不同(尽管它们似乎最终已在13.04+中修复),这导致与我的应用程序不兼容.

I'm currently writing a Python app that changes some network configuration files. The app needs to run on Ubuntu 10.04 to 13.10. The problem is, that NetworkManager is broken in different ways on different versions (though they seem to have finally fixed it in 13.04+), and this causes incompatibilities with my app.


I've figured out the problems on each version and developed workarounds for them, I'm just not sure what the best way is to detect which version of Ubuntu the user is running.

到目前为止,我想出的最好的解决方案是解析 lsb_release -a 的输出,但这似乎是一个非常脆弱的解决方案,并且可能会因Ubuntu衍生的发行版而失败.薄荷,甚至可能带有某些官方"变体(Kubuntu,Xubuntu等).

The best solution I've come up with so far is to parse the output of lsb_release -a, but this seems to be a rather fragile solution and would probably fail with Ubuntu-derived distributions such as Mint and possibly even with some of the "official" variants (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.).

是否有一种很好的方法来检测给定Linux发行版的 base 发行版和版本,以便我可以基于该版本对我的应用做出选择?

Is there a good way to detect the base distribution and version for a given Linux distribution so I can base the choices my app makes on that version?



The best options are to use the os and platform libraries.

import os
import platform

print os.name #returns os name in simple form

platform.system() #returns the base system, in your case Linux
platform.release() #returns release version


The platform library should be the more useful one.


Rob's comment on this post also highlights the more specific platform.linux_distribution() thought I would point that out here.


08-23 02:55